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Algebra in plain view

From Wikiversity

This course belongs to the Electrical & Computer Engineering Studies

Chapter 1. Sequence

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  • Lesson 1.
    • Sequence.1.A (pdf)
      • Arithmetic / Geometric / Harmonic Mean
      • Arithmetic / Geometric / Harmonic Progression
    • Sequence.1.B. (pdf)
      • Arithmetic Progression Examples
      • Geometric Progression Examples
      • Harmonic Progression Examples
      • Partial Sum and Area
  • Lesson 2.
    • Sequence.2.A (pdf)
      • Summation Notation
      • Flow Chart
      • Partial Sum of A.P.
      • Partial Sum of G.P.
  • Lesson 3.
    • Sequence.3.A (pdf)
      • Partial Sum Sequence
      • Difference Sequence
      • Summation of k2, k3, k4
  • Lesson 4.
    • Sequence.4.A (pdf)
      • Closed Form Expression
      • Recurrence Expression
      • Mathematical Induction

Chapter 2. Trigonometry

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  • Lesson 1.
    • Trigonometry.1.A (pdf)
      • Angles in Degree
      • Angles in Radian
      • Conversion between Degree and Radian
      • Co-terminal Angles
  • Lesson 2.
    • Trigonometry.2.A (pdf)
      • Sine Law - all acute angles
      • Cosine Law - all acute angles
      • Sine Law - one obtuse angle
      • Cosine Law - one obtuse angle
  • Lesson 3.
    • Trigonometry.3.A (pdf)
      • Quadrant Angle Trigonometry
      • Negative Angle Trigonometry
      • Reference Angle Trigonometry
      • Sinusoidal Waves
  • Lesson 4.
    • Trigonometry.4.A (pdf)
      • Trigonometric Identities

Chapter 3. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

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  • Logarithm.1.A (pdf)


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  • Histogram
    • Histogram.1.A (pdf)
  • Lines and Planes
    • Geometry.1.A (pdf)
  • Translations
    • Translations.1.A (pdf)
  • Speed, Distance, Time
    • Speed.1.A (in Korean) (pdf)
  • Percent and Proportion
    • Percent.1.A (in Korean) (pdf)
  • Round-off
    • Round.1.A (in Korean) (pdf)