Algebra 2

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Summary of Algebra 2

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Welcome to Algebra 2! This is course aims to present the same material that is common in an AP Precalculus course.

This is of course a continuation of Algebra 1 and assumes that the student has mastered the content there. The first section is a very fast refresher on those topics, but if the student has a very weak background in Algebra 1 then it may be necessary to revisit that course before continuing to this one.

This course is a continuation of Algebra 1 in two different ways. One is that there is just more information, more stuff. But moreover, the course is not just more information, but is also more abstract. Not much more, but still more. This can be its own unique challenge to a student, as they progress in their mathematical studies.

Therefore be prepared for the flavor and style of mathematics to be a bit unlike previous courses. There is less emphasis on computation, and more emphasis on understanding broad general relationships and abstract ideas.


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Section 0: Introduction

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Section 1: Expressions, Relations, Functions, Graphs

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Section 2: Polynomial Functions

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Section 3: Rational Functions

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Section 4: Exponential Functions

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Section 5: Trigonometric Functions

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Section 6: Inverse Functions

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Section 7: Vectors, Matrices, Parametric and Polar Functions

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Section 8: Conic Sections

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Section 9: Sequences and Series

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Section 10: Counting and Probability

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