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  • Ma-ai - proper distance
  • Zanshin - focus or conentration
  • Mushin - awareness (empty mind)
  • Centering -
  • Extension - pushing out ki energy
  • Blending - synchronizing motion or energy
  • Unbendable - using ki to make an arm or leg unbendable


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  • Shomenuchi - Strike to front of the head
  • Yokomenuchi - Strike to side of the head
  • Katatetori - one hand grabs one hand
  • Katatori - label grab
  • Hijitori - elbow grab
  • Morotetori (Ryotemochi) - two hands grab one hand
  • Ryotetori - two hands grab two hands
  • Maigeri - front kick
  • Munetsuki - punch to the head or face
  • Ushiro Ryokatatori - both shoulders grabbed from behind
  • Ushiro Tekubitori - both wrists grabbed from behind
  • Ushiro Kubishime - choke from behind with free hand grabbing wrist


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  • Ikkyo - first defense
  • Nikkyo - second defense
  • Sankyo - third defense
  • Yonkyo - forth defense
  • Gokyo - fifth defense
  • Rokyo - sixth defense
  • Kotegaeshi - wrist twisting defense
  • Shihonage - four direction throw
  • Jujinage - figure ten entaglement
  • Kokyunage - breath throw
  • Koshinage - hip throw


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  • Irimi - entering movement
  • Tenkan - turning movement
  • Tenshin - backwards movement
  • Ura - turning movement
  • Omote - entering movement
  • Uchi-kaiten - inside move
  • Soto-kaiten - outside move

Technique Categories

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  • Tai-waza - body techniques
  • Ushiro-waza - attacks from behind
  • Suwari-waza - attacks while kneeling
  • Hanmi-handachi - attacker standing, defender kneeling
  • Atemi-waza - pre-emptive strikes
  • Henka-waza - changing techniques
  • Kaeshi-waza - counter techniques
  • Kihon-waza - basic techniques
  • Oyo-waza - applied techniques
  • Jo-nage - defenses against the Jo
  • Jo-tori - defenses using the Jo
  • Tachi-tori - sword attack defenses
  • Tanto-tori - knife attack defenses