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Activities, assignments and assessment/Feedback

From Wikiversity

Thanks and congratulations the AAAOPENCONF2013 went really well – Looking forward to the book, DVD, website etc. Sorry I didn’t hear all of it but enjoyed what I got to and think it was a great sharing of knowledge and ideas and discussion. Cheers, Kerry.

I especially like the short presentations, and the fact that people did keep to the times, esp. important if you can't actually spend the whole day and are using a mix of webstreaming and face2face. The most memorable part for me was Mixed media assessment for student learning and community engagement. Please do more of this sort of thing. M Rosse.

The announcement of the event was too late - I think attendance could have been improved if it were earlier. Anonymous

Do more events like this. I was amazed at the work presented and inspired to do more in my own area and within my own teaching subjects. I appreciated being there through the day, to hear and talk to others who are interested in incorporating technology, flexible ideas, and innovations in teaching. My highlight was the presentation on students providing own evidence of learning/meeting professional training requirements. Also a highlight was Willie Campbell's presentation on Recognising Contextual Learning: The work of CAPABLENZ, Otago Polytechnic.

I am now considering changing paperwork requirements, evidence of training requirements to be more learner-centred and encouraging learners to take responsibility of demonstrating what they've collected/done as evidence of meeting training standards required of our profession.

Maybe incorporate opportunities between conferences for participants to take on training in specific technologies/ software products demonstrated and/or group discussion on how to work with the culture of the uni status quo to incorporate innovations in curricula and programs (how to get around challenges in dept when disbelief occurs about paradigm shifting innovations and their introduction into existing programs). Anonymous

I was there face to face all day. I was very tired at the end. I appreciated seeing the new approaches using new technology and the most memorable presentation was about group assignments vs individual assignments. A brief introduction to the new technology before the event would have been helpful, but I found the day very helpful. Anonymous

I enjoyed the interaction with other motivated academics, and the new interesting and inviting presentations on assessment. Overall highly motivational. I will definitely attend the next event. Keep up the great work, It was fantastic well done. Sandra Lucas

The variety and range of presentations was excellent. The open idea was superb and wonderfully enticing and inspired. The community history project one and the immersive roleplay (simulation) presentations were my highlights. I'm now rethinking student engagement and aspects of fun and creativity in learning and assessment tasks and how one can translate these across disciplines.

Some suggestions, I would have more variety in the sessions... e.g. in the morning maybe a debate of some sort (a humourous one) followed by a more detailed session on a project and then the various presentations and maybe pecha kuchas... I saw this format for the day work superbly at RMIT recently. Also, it would be good to have opportunities for quick discussions in groups... maybe after each session ie 3 minutes? But realise this will make the day longer and eat up time. Maybe name tags that the attendees write out on sticky lablels would be good.

Thank you for putting on the event and the OPEN invitations. I will definitely come to the next one. Anonymous