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The role of genes

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Genes have been found to be the 'blueprints' for the living body. Which means they hold the information necessary to create the right cells in the right formation to perform a specific function which, together with other functions, enable the living body to live. For this the genes must be available when the body is build. And they must be available in such a form that the information, which they hold, can be aquired from them at the right time in the right sequence.
To enable all this nature places them in every smallest building block which are used, cells, which ensures that there is always a set of genes available. It also places them in a special, although very simple, form, sequential like on a string. This ensures that any gene can be found wherever it is on this string. And the necessary information can be gathered any way needed.

The natural use of genes

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Genes could be used in a straight forward, simple fashion: one cell type - one gene; one formation of cells - one gene; one function - one gene. But nature has found a better, more flexible way. It combines all possibilities, which are related, into one gene and let the circumstances deside which of them is appropriate at each request. What that means is best shown through the following sample which was presented by a NOVA show on TV:
Two scientist found the genes, which are responsible for the creation of the eyes, in two very different species. Which had naturally also very different eyes. To find out more about the genes they removed the 'eye' gene on one specimen and replaced it with the 'eye' gene of the other. And then let the body develop. To their surprises the specimen, whith the 'wrong' eye-gene, developed its natural eyes anyway. It would not have developed an eye if there was no eye-gene.
To conclude in the ACR fashion:

  • Action:
The development of the body. This could be short described that at this stage a specific molecule travels along the chromosomes, select the genes which hold the 'blueprints' necessary to build the cells which form an eye, get the blueprints and bring them to the place in the body where the eye will be build.
  • Circumstances:
the information which is embedded in the specific molecule which enables it to select the right genes and collect the right blueprints from them.
  • Reaction:
The building of the right eye in the right place of this specific body.

Eye-genes have the blueprints for any eye already build. And the body, defined by the chromosomes, equippes the specific molecules with the necessary circumstances before it reaches the eye-gene. Which ensures that always the right eye is build for the body. This would also suggest that genes cannot simply be assumed to be good for only one specific building process but for many possibilities which need to be specified before the gene is consulted.

The interpretation of ‘mutations’ in genes

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When the subject of the evolution of humans are studied than one of the big mysteries which stands in the way is that the sequence of DNAs (also known as nucleotides A,C,G and T), is not passed on from generation to generation in the same order than it was received by the donating generation (some might have been replaced with a different type). Which means that the new generation, which is in development will not function quite in the same way as the donating generation has. This seems to be a logical use of the genes to enable the genes to absorb necessary changes of the specimen to adapt to a changing environment. What would enable a different explanation of this effect is the way this replacement of DNAs is interpreted. On one hand it could be seen as the faulty copying of the sequence (meaning it is random and unwanted), on the other hand it could be that the changes happen during the lifetime of the donating parent and are now passed on in an controlled fashion which will have a controlled outcome. If interpreted in the first way (as mutations) then all the data received through scientific means would be rendered useless, because no cause and therefore outcome could be established. While the latter would fit much better in the way the natural evolution can be explained. As a process which has started randomly, does not “know” what is happening and has no “goal” on its own, but has the ability to evolve e.g. matter from a single matter to very complicated formations of matter without loosing its functionality. In order to do this it is restricted into a simple form of operation, like the sequence of a process described through action, circumstances and reaction (ACR). Which enables the possibility of a change and also the discarding of the change if it does not fulfil the requirements of the adaptation (selection). Which is the only way a non-conscious (non-intelligent) system can keep on functioning. And which would also enable scientists to include POV, which he could not if he would deal with ‘unwanted mutations’. E.g. while 'mutations' could be happening at a predetermined happening and therefore could suggest a certain regularity, life induced changes would be completely unpredictable. On the other hand the reaction to life induced changes could hint on what the change in the environment has been and therefore lead to other conclusions.