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3-ary Boolean functions; balanced families

From Wikiversity
3-ary Boolean functions

In the triangle T = Sloane'sA227724 the entry T(n,k) shows the number of balanced n-ary families that contain 2k functions.

Row n=3 has the entries 0,7,0,7.

T(3,1) = 7

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The seven 3-ary families that contain 21 = 2 functions:
These are linear functions (tribe E0). They correspond to the rows of a Walsh matrix, except row 0. (The corresponding box in this cube is empty.)

T(3,3) = 7

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The seven 3-ary families that contain 23 = 8 functions:

tribe E2

tribe E3

tribe E1

tribe E2

tribe E1

tribe E2

tribe E1