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[[Category:Introduction to Computers]]
[[Category:Introduction to Computers]]
Symbian is the operating software which is mostly used by the mobile phones. Symbian is the bigest software producers for smart phones.
Symbian is the operating software which is mostly used by the mobile phones. Symbian is the biggest software producers for smart phones.
There are the Symbian codes used by different company as well , Mika Raento has huge example symbian codes
There are different companies that owned Symbian : examples are Sony Ericsson,Ericsson and Nokia has the highest percentage ( 47.9%)

Revision as of 18:23, 26 September 2007




The operating system (software platform) consists of the low-level master system of programs that manage the basic operations of the computer. These programs provide resource management services of many kinds. The operating system allows you to concentrate on your own tasks and applications rather than on the complexities of managing the computer. The OS is the principal component of system software in every computing system. [text, 119]


OS performs such tasks as: recognizing input from keyboard, sending output to display screen, managing files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices. [1]


In computing, booting (aka booting up) is a process that loads the operating system on to RAM (random access memory) where it can be used. [2]

ROM (read only memory) is what instructs the operating system to load into RAM.

A "cold boot" is the process of turning the computer on from the "off" position. This usually takes longer to load the system than a warm boot.

A "warm boot" is the process of restarting the computer from the "on" position. This takes less time as the operating system is still running, and only needs to be copied onto the RAM.

A "boot disk" is a hard copy of the operating system, usually kept on a CD or floppy disk. When a hard drive's operating system is not working, re-booting the computer with the boot disk inside allows the system to be accessed. [Text, 120]



A file is one of two things: 1) data file, or a named collection of data or 2) program file, or a program that exists in the secondary storage of a computer. (text, 148).

Computer files are like paper documents that used to be kept in libraries and offices [3].

Exporting files turn files into readable format so that it can be use with another program. Importing files get data from another source and convert it to a compatible format. [text, 148] EXAMPLE:

  • IMPORTING FILES- You could write a word program and import it to a column of number from your spreadsheet program.
  • EXPORTING FILES- You could could write a list of names or addresses in a database program and export it to a word program. (text, 148).

Example: Certain networks are created to allow users to share files, such as audio, video and pictorial images. Networks like Limewire use a peer-to-peer file sharing method. [Text, 319]



A computer must perform many different tasks at the same time. Tasks include storing, printing, and calculating. When a computer operates more than one task at a time with one central processor, it is called multitasking. [text, 122]

A task is a set of instructions (like a plan) that is brought out from memory to execute certain functions. [4]

In order to allow your computer to multi-task quicker use a duo processor. This will allow you to run more applications at once without effecting your computers performance.



Security could mean confidentiality, integrity or availability of electronic information that is processed by or stored on computer systems. "The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead-lined room with armed guards - and even then I have my doubts. ”

Eugene H. Spafford, director of the Purdue Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security [5] [6]

EXAMPLE: FIREWALL A system that prevents unauthorized access to/from a private network. Can be implemented in both hardware and software, or both. This form of security can be used to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks connected to the Internet/inappropriate networks. [7]



Custom software is under the category of application software. The word custom means that the software is specially made for the individual and/or company needs. This software is created by the programmers and software engineers. (text, 147)

Custom software is also known as Bespoke Software. [8]

Custom software is created when a company is in need for another type of software that differs from one that already exists. It is not designed to target the entire market. [9]


Commercial Software, is also known as; Proprietary Software or Packaged Software - is software that can be bought and sold. Commercial Software is copyrighted, so you must pay for it in some respect. Examples of this are Microsoft Excel or Adobe Photoshop. [text, 145]

An example of this would be Microsoft Office which is not necessarily sold separately than your PC, but is a commercial software that you PC is priced to include. This software is one of the most sought after for personal computers as well as business computers. [10]


Shareware is commercial software which is copyrighted, but is distributed free of charge. It does require the user to pay a registration fee or make a monetary contribution. Shareware is almost always distributed through the internet. The user is not able to develop a program that would compete with the original product.

ie: An example of shareware software is "GetRight." The program is downloaded free of charge, but if the user wants supporting document, technical support or updated versions than the user needs to pay the registration fee.


Sharewares can be cracked with some knowledge with computer programing. The restriction of the software is applied either locking specific function, or have an expiration date attached to it. The software protection can be undone through regedit to unlock sharewares to a full version.


open source


Podcast Dr Driver [12]


ie. Device driver\software driver Works as a middle man allowing computer programs to connect with computer peripherals such as a mouse. [13] (text 119) An example of a driver would be a printer driver. This driver allows the computer and the printer to talk to each other as with out the driver the printer would not understand the computer. [14]

It is important because drivers are needed so that the computers OS can run peripheral hardware. (text, 179)


Also know as service programs. These utilities help control and allocate where the computer uses its resources. It helps manage application software, the operating system and computer hardware. [15]

Usually built as part of the system software such as disk defragmenters. Other utility programs, such as virus scanners, can also be purchased.

Utility Programs

Data Compression: data compression allows you to remove gaps and unnecessary data from the computers storage system. With todays huge hard drives it may never be necessary to compress your data because you may never actually use all the available memory. [pg. 126]

Utility Programs are designed to help manage and tune the computer hard ware and operating system. These programs are made for a single task or a few small tasks. [16]


Making copies of data in case the original data is lost or destroyed.

The two reasons for backing up your files are; a) disaster recovery - to restore the files to an operational state following a disaster, and b) to restore small numbers of files after they have been corrupted or accidentally deleted [17]

For example, an unstructured backup example are such as floppy disk and CDR's. A storage media for data coping could be the hard drive. [18]

It is important to make back up copies of your data every few minutes as you are working. Then, if your computer has power problems, you will be able to get back in business fairly quickly once the machine is running again. (text, 203)

Do not confuse backups with archives or fault-tolerant systems. Archives are the first copy of data and back ups are a second copy of data. Also back up systems assume that fault will cause data loss and fault-tolerant systems will not assume fault. [19] podcast


A virus is a program that can destroy and corrupt data on a computer. It usually comes through a floppy disk, hard drive or CD. [Text, 346]

Anti virus software is a computer program that attempt to identify, thwart and eliminate computer viruses. There are two different techniques to accomplish this, examining(scanning) and identifying suspicious behavior


Nowadays, it is necessary to install an anti-virus software in order to not have a computer failure. By installing anti-virus software you are able to detect the virus prior to having it destroy or infect anything. [pg. 126]

An example of a anti virus software program is nortan antivirus. Norton AntiVirus (NAV) is a popular product of Symantec Corporation and is one of the most widely used antivirus programs. It is aimed at a centrally managed corporate environment and has different features not present in the traditional retail version of the software. Symantec's LiveUpdate provides virus definition updates, which enable Norton AntiVirus to detect viruses known to Symantec; a total of 73,660[3] viruses as of September 6, 2007. In order to receive updates, a valid subscription is required; an initial subscription good for one year (or 90 days for OEM copies) is included with the purchase. [21]

According to Anti-Virus Software Reviews, the top 2008 antivirus software is The Shield Deluxe, Norton is 4th on the list, McAfee is number 8. [22]

Anti virus softwares face the challenge of software conflict, and memory usage. The mainstream anti virus programs usually suffer from taking up too much system memory while operating in the back ground, this is especially evident in the Norton anti virus series. The most powerful anti virus programs currently in the market is NOD32 which makes up the lack of GUI with exceptional performance and is the most recommended program by advanced user.


virus distory the program {text.126]


A virus connects itself to various files that are used to run a program. Once the program is started, so does the virsus. This virus effects other files as it works its way into the main memory.Virus are very diffcult to get rid of and are most often a negative unwanted frame. [ textbook pg 347 ]


We defrag our hard disks in order to recover lost disk space and increase performance, puting data in a hard disk in a easily readable order. Over time the hard disk will lose capacity data which results in poor performace. Defraging ones hard drive will fix this problem. There are software products that one may use to help with the process of defragmentation such as Diskeeper and O&O defrag A defragger (defragmenter utility program), will find all the scattered files on the computers hard disk and reorganize them as contiguous files. (text, 126)

Need to do this when files are fragmented, which is when files are scattered in different places. This makes it slow for the user to access. [text, 126]


This is a utility program originally used by DOS and Microsoft Windows to fix the errors within the system. [24]

Even if windows shuts down correctly, Scandisk still runs. [25]

Operating in text mode on a Windows 98 system, is an example of Scandisk.(

It was introduced in MS-DOS version 6.2. Previous versions of MS-DOS supplied only the simpler, purely text-based program CHKDSK. [26]

One of the main function with scandisk is that it can also identify and repair physically damaged hard drive by quarantine the damaged area and avoid files been wrote on it thus avoiding damaged and lost data.


Describes the communication channel between two entities that include software/hardware and a user. The interface has the ability of translating from one language to a variety of different languages. "The interface between a human and a computer is called a user interface. Interfaces between hardware components are physical interfaces." [27]



GUI stands for graphical user interface. It is a type of user interface that helps people to give commands to the computer and devices that controlled by the computer which involve graphics. Some devices include graphical icons, visual indicators, and/or special graphical elements.

GUI's are important because they are easier to use than command driven interfaces (text, 180).

GUI shell

GUI is an abbreviation for Graphical User Interface. Graphical (GUI) shells typically build on top of a windowing system. A shell is a piece of software that provides an interface for users. Therefore, a GUI shell is a piece of software that assists the graphical user interface. - [28] - [text,130]

GUI shells are very replaceable and softwares often allow users to create their own GUI to suit their personal need. The most active user generated GUI can be seen in games where users replace the original image with another GUI overlay to suit their personal style. World of Warcraft is a great example where a community of user and artists generate their own icons to replace the game interface.


DOS Shell

This shell was one of the first successful attmepts to craete a basic graphical user interface (GUI) type file manager in DOS [}

Dos Shell enables the user to type prompts and comands within a user interface.


It is an interface that a computer user uses such as window or text box. Programmers use widgets to build GUI (graphical user interfaces).The word was chosen because "all other common terms were overloaded with inappropriate connotations". [29] [30]



NOS stands for Network Operating System. NOS is software that manages the activity of a network through an operating system. [31]

The network operating system supports access by mulitple users and provides for recognition of users passed on passwords and terminal identifications. (text, 322)

Some examples of popular NOS software are Novell NetWare, Linux, and Microsoft Windows NT/2000. (text, 322) podcast

Palm OS

The Palm OS was proced by the Japanese company PalmSource, and is the dominant operating system for handhelds. (text, 143) Over 30.1 million PalmOS units (including licensees), according to Sept 2003 Palm Inc. financial reports; with over 22 million total USR/3Com/Palm or Palm Solutions Group branded units shipped (over 4 million per year). [32] Palm has many security concerns due to it's mobility, such as if lost or stolne plams may have data that can retreived by others. Also if Palm passwords are interconected to your PC paswords, anyone has acess to personal files on your PC. [33]

Windows CE

This is a smaller version of Windows for devices with minimal storage. Often referred to as the compact edition Windows CE can run using under one MB of memory. [34]

Evolution of Windows

Windows 1.01->Windows 1.03->Windows 2.03->Windows 2.1->Windows 3.0->Windows 3.1->Windows 3.2->Windows For Workgroups 3.1->Windows NT 3.1->Windows For Workgroups 3.11->Windows NT 3.5->Windows NT 3.51->Windows 95->Windows NT 4.0->Windows 98->Windows 2000->Windows Me->Windows XP->Windows XP 64-bit Edition (Itanium)->Windows Server 2003 / Windows XP Professional x64 Edition->Windows Vista

The most current rendition is windows Vista which supports both 32bit and 64 bit operating system. Currently, SP1 is been beta tested by chosen tester across the globe and is expected to update Vista with compatibility and performance rather than adding new features. This service Expected time of release will be Q1 of 2008.

Microsoft is currently working on a future rendition of OS code named Windows 7



Symbian is the operating software which is mostly used by the mobile phones. Symbian is the biggest software producers for smart phones. There are the Symbian codes used by different company as well , Mika Raento has huge example symbian codes There are different companies that owned Symbian : examples are Sony Ericsson,Ericsson and Nokia has the highest percentage ( 47.9%)