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Wikimedian Demographics/Women and Wikimedia

From Wikiversity

This is a page to organise a survey on "Women and Wikimedia projects", as part of the Wikimedian Demographics project. Hopefully, this page will generate a list of useful questions to be asked, and facilitate discussion on the survey's methodology, and how it might be best implemented. (Eg. is this to be answered only by women, or is it a questionnaire about women?) There is also a page on Wikimedian Demographics/Gender issues which will coordinate all surveys related to gender - general gender-related ideas/issues can be raised here, on that page, or on Talk:Wikimedian Demographics.


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  • Are you male or female (m/f)? (This would be moot, if the survey is only to be answered by women.)
  • Are you an admin of any Wikimedia projects? (y/n) (Is this necessary/interesting?)
  • Have you found there to be issues related to your gender while contributing to Wikimedia projects? (y/n)
    • If so, has this issue been addressed either personally, or in general? (y/n - perhaps yp ["yes, personally"], yg, and n?)
    • If it has been dealt with, how would you rate this as having being dealt with, on a scale from 0-5? (o = very badly; 5 = very satisfactorily)
  • Have you perceived a gender-related problem related to someone else in the community?
    • If so, has this issue been addressed either personally, or in general? (y/n) (could we have yp,yg, and n?)
    • If it has been dealt with, how would you rate this as having being dealt with, on a scale from 0-5? (o = very badly; 5 = very satisfactorily)


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What questions do or don't lend themselves to yes/no answers? Cormaggio talk 12:20, 30 January 2008 (UTC)


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What kinds of questions would be useful here? Are the questions of something being "dealt with" too naive? Cormaggio talk 12:20, 30 January 2008 (UTC)


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