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Template:List of Filmmaking Software Reviews

From Wikiversity

Free Filmmaking Software

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  • Bryce 5.5
Bryce 5.5 costs $70 if you buy the boxed set but it is now free if you can download it. Over 130 Megs. Your Instructor:Robert Elliott

A fun paint program for kids. It has the added advantage of using rubber stamps and creating matte paintings easily. Has the unique feature of doing rough storyboards with special storyboard artwork. Also useful for learning about matte painting at Wikiversity Film School.

A simple and fun artistic painting program. Feels very natural. Extremely useful. If you need any kind of digital painting with traditional artist materials, this is your first choice. This is the free version which is fully working but more limited than the full version which is also very inexpensive.

This is the most educational program for filmmakers. A simulation of a movie camera and a movie set with digital actors. Teaches you all about lenses and image composition for motion pictures. The demo version is almost fully working for 20 uses. Highly recommended. (So far, no one has downloaded this. Is there a problem?) 20 uses.

An interesting program because if the extremely high quality orchestra sounds it produces. Requires you to know notation. No manual! (I ran out of time before I had completed the review of this program.)

For posing and rendering Poser figures. At times, the human interface is stupidly awkward. More like a beta version. But a good way to learn about digital puppets. This program (or Poser 7 which is not free) will be required for the 3D animation course to be offered next winter. Also an useful alternative for doing 3D storyboards using Poser figures.

A paint program comparible to Adobe Photoshop. Surprisingly mature program but not to the level of Photoshop. Requires X-11. If you do not have Adobe Photoshop 4 or later, this program is absolutely necessary for some of the classes at Wikiversity Film School.

A illustration program. Surprisingly mature program. Requires X-11. If you do not have Illustrator or Freehand, this program is useful. Only the text features are weak.

Useful utility for working with audio and converting audio to OGG files.

Very interesing. Very challenging. For anyone who wants to sketch in 3D. To be revieweg. This is the free version of the new Pro version of Google SketchUp.

This is a paint program which works with motion pictures. Used in film studios but still too awkward for use at Wikiversity Film School. Look at GIMP instead.

So far, I have not find a use for this program.

Commercial Filmmaking Software

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Replaces the old Macintosh. A ten fold improvement.

GarageBand is free with all new Macintosh computers. Otherwise, it is sold in the bundle called iLife. Very basic, mostly simple, extremely useful for filmmakers who need to create film scores. Needs orchestra sounds (such as Jam Pack:Symphony Orchestra.)

While GarageBand is free, you still need this to get orchestra sounds for film scoring.

An alternative to Jam Pack: Symphony Orchestra. To be reviewed shortly someday.

To be reviewed shortly someday. Boxed version not available yet.

This is a replacement for PageMaker and Freehand. Surprisingly useful. Some limitations. Free 30 test.

Digitized Film Dailies ready for editing

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Required for the first editing lesson at Wikiversity Film School. This is not free but you can pay for this with the points you earn at Wikiversity Film School.

Required for the second editing lesson at Wikiversity Film School. This is not free but you can pay for this with the points you earn at Wikiversity Film School.

Required for the third editing lesson at Wikiversity Film School. These disks are not free but you can pay for them with the points you earn at Wikiversity Film School. To be reviewed shortly. Note: Currently, these disks are the only digitized unedited scenes ready for practicing dialog editing.

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