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Template:Cite video/doc

From Wikiversity

Note: This template was recently copied from en.wikipedia.org ([1]) in response to a Help Desk request. As it may rely on additional templates that may be different here, please report any incompatibilities you encounter to the Help Desk. For example, red-linked items below haven't yet been copied from Wikipedia. The documentation below also links to English Wikipedia policies, which may be technically informative but are not in force on Wikiversity.
  • Purpose: This template and the redirected forms [synonyms] {{cite media}} and {{cite audio}} are used to cite sources in Wikipedia, specifically, audio and visual media sources.
  • Please consider using {{cite episode}} as an alternative, to cite episodes of television and radio programs. (Has some different alternative choices of data. Includes an example of use as non-episodic application which can be used instead of this template.)
  • A production can differ among versions released; it is important to use publication information for the exact version that was consulted. For example:
    • A second DVD release may differ from the first.
    • A subtitled edition is substantially different from an original version without subtitles.

Cut and paste one of these blank versions to use. Note that all fields must be lowercase, and remember to use the "|" (pipe) character between each field.

Horizontal list
{{cite video |people= |date= |title= |url= |format= |medium= |language= |trans_title= |publisher= |location= |archiveurl= |archivedate= |accessdate= |time= |id= |isbn= |oclc= |quote= |ref= }}
Vertical list Prerequisites[1]
{{cite video
 | people      = 
 | date        = 
 | title       = 
 | url         = 
 | format      = 
 | medium      = 
 | language    =
 | trans_title =
 | publisher   = 
 | location    = 
 | archiveurl  =
 | archivedate =
 | accessdate  = 
 | time        = 
 | id          = 
 | isbn        = 
 | oclc        = 
 | quote       = 
 | ref         = 
  1. A field listed in this column is a prerequisite for the field to the left. For example archiveurl is a prerequisite to archivedate meaning archivedate will NOT be displayed even if it has a value unless archiveurl is defined.

Description of fields

[edit source]


[edit source]

Nested fields either rely on their parent fields, or replace them:

  • parent
    • child — may be used with parent (and is ignored if parent is not used)


[edit source]
  • people: May be anyone associated with the film. Add role in parentheses (producer, director, actor, translator [for a newly or differently subtitled edition], etc).
  • last: Surname of author. Do not wikilink (use authorlink instead). Overrides people.
    • first: Given or first name(s) of author, including title(s) (e.g. Firstname Middlename or Firstname M. or Dr. Firstname M., Snr.). Do not wikilink (use authorlink instead).
      • The 'last' and 'first' parameters are not ideally suited to authors whose surname is usually written first (e.g. as in Chinese). Use the same format as the source uses to handle these cases.
    • author-mask — This parameter is primarily intended for use in bibliographies where multiple works by a single author are listed. It replaces the name of the first author (which must still be provided to garner metadata) with a strike-through dash (—) author-mask em in length. So, if |author-mask=1 then the dash will be one em in length, if |author-mask=2 it will be two em long, and so on. Set author-mask to a text value to display a word instead – for example, "with". You must still include |last= and |first= for metadata purposes. See Examples for typical usage.
    • authorlink: Title of Wikipedia article about author (not the author's personal website). Article should already exist. Must not be wikilinked itself. Do not use this on its own, but along with author or first and last.
    • coauthors: Full name of additional author or authors, separated by ", " (e.g. Joe Bloggs, John F. Kennedy, H. R. Dent).
  • For multiple authors, use the parameters first1, last1, ...,firstn, lastn to 'correctly' record all the information about the document (the first nine authors are printed, then et al. is appended if even more authors were specified). Do not wikilink as there are corresponding authorlink1, ..., authorlink9 parameters as well. This usage is preferred to the use of coauthors.
  • editor: Name of editor/editors; not usually used for a thesis, but supported. Do not Wikilink any values in the editor parameter but use editor-link instead. The template automatically adds "ed." after the editor's name unless the chapter parameter is used in which case the template adds "in" before the editor's name which appears after the chapter and before the title. This implies that the author is responsible only for part of the document (including the cited chapter) and the editor responsible for the whole document. If, however, the author(s) and editor(s) are responsible for the whole document, then the editor parameter or its alternates described below should not be used if the chapter parameter is being used. Instead, the editor(s) should be included in an author parameter with possibly "(ed.)" after the surname(s). Alternatively, the editor parameter may be used if the chapter detail is included in the title parameter instead of using the chapter parameter.
  • OR: alternatively editor-first and editor-last can be used in the same way as first and last.
  • OR: for multiple editors up to four in number, use the parameters editor1-first, editor1-last, ...,editorn-first, editorn-last to 'correctly' record all the information about the document in the same way as firstn and lastn.
    • editor-link or editor1-link...editorn-link is used in the same way as authorlink or authorlinkn.
  • others: To record other contributors to the work, such as "Illustrated by Smith" or "Trans. Smith".
  • title: Title of document. This is the only required parameter. Can be wikilinked but only to an existing Wikipedia article. Do not use italics.
    • trans_title: If the document cited is in a foreign language, an English translation of the title can be given here. The template will display this in square brackets after the title parameter and it will point to the url link, if used. Use of language parameter is recommended if this parameter is used.
  • url: URL of an online location where text of the document can be found. Cannot be used if you wikilinked title. If applicable, should point to the specific page(s) referenced.
    • accessdate: Full date when url was accessed. Should be used when url parameter is used. Should be in the same format as other dates in citations in the same article. Must not be wikilinked.
  • archive parameters (if used, both must be provided)
    • archiveurl: The URL of an archived copy of a web page, if (or in case) the url becomes unavailable. Typically used to refer to services like w:WebCite and Archive.org.
    • archivedate: Date when the item was archived. Should not be wikilinked.
  • format: File format of the URL link if containing digital media. For example, "mov" or "avi".
  • medium: Type of production being sourced. Please use one of the following if applicable:
    • Motion picture, Television production, Videotape, DVD, Trailer, Video game, CD, Radio broadcast, Podcast.
  • language: Language of the media, if not English.
  • edition: When the document has more than one edition. e.g.: "2nd.", "Revised" etc.. Note that the template automatically displays " ed." after this parameter, so edition=2nd produces "2nd ed.".
  • series: When the document is part of a series of publications.
  • volume: Not generally required for a thesis. For one document published in several volumes. However, this template displays the text in this parameter in bold type after the title and series parameters. An alternative is to include the volume information in the title parameter after the main title (see example below). (NB: there is a separate {{Cite encyclopedia}} template).
  • date: Full date of document edition being referenced, in the same format as other dates in citations in the same article. Must not be wikilinked. Do not use for years without specifying the month: use |year= instead.
  • OR: year: Year of document edition being referenced
    • month: Name of the month of document. If you also have the day, use date instead. Must not be wikilinked.
    • origyear: Original document year, for display alongside the date or year. For clarity, please supply specifics, for instance origyear=First published 1859 or origyear=Composed 1904. This parameter only displays if there is a value for year or date.
  • publisher: Name of the individual or group releasing the cited version of the production, or airing the broadcast—for example, "Paramount Pictures" or "Disney" or "History Channel International". For translated works, this is the licenser/distributor.
  • location: Geographic location of the publisher.
  • time: Roughly what time, if accessible, a scene occurs within a production. Useful for citing specific scenes, quotations or data.
  • id: A unique identifier, used if none of the above are applicable. In this case, you need to specify the kind of identifier you are using, preferably with a template like {{ISSN}} or {{UPC}}. (Use one of the more specialized parameters (see below) when available; they are linked automatically. In other words, don't use id = ISBN 1-111-22222-9 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: Invalid ISBN., but isbn = 1-111-22222-9.)
  • isbn: International Standard Book Number such as 1-111-22222-9.
  • oclc: Online Computer Library Center ID number, such as 3185581.
  • quote: relevant quotation from the source.
  • ref: ID for anchor. By default, no anchor is generated. The ordinary nonempty value |ref=ID generates an anchor with the given ID; such a linkable reference can be made the target of wikilinks to full references, especially useful in short citations like shortened notes and parenthetical referencing. The special value |ref=harv generates an anchor suitable for the {{harv}} template; for this to work, both |people= and |date= must be specified. See also anchors for Harvard referencing templates.
  • laysummary: Link to a non-technical summary (or review) of the document
    • laydate: Date of summary
  • separator: The separator to use in lists of authors, editors, etc. Defaults to ".", but "," may be useful also. If the parameter is present, but blank, no separator will be used.
  • author-separator: Parameter allowing punctuation style to be altered
  • author-name-separator: Parameter allowing punctuation style to be altered
  • display-authors: By default, the number of authors displayed is limited to 8; if 9 are provided, the ninth is displayed as "et al.". This parameter allows display of fewer authors before the "et al." (e.g., |display-authors=2); alternatively, the "et al." may be suppressed by the use of |display-authors=9.
  • postscript: The closing punctuation for the citation. If specified, over-rides the default behaviour of terminating the citation with a full stop. If the parameter is present, but blank, no terminating punctuation will be used. This may be useful when generating an output consistent with other templates. It is preferred to manually adding ending punctuation, as the punctuation occurs within the <cite> tag, so will appear before any icons added by browser plugins. Ignored if |quote= is specified.
  • lastauthoramp: The separator to use between the last two names in lists of authors. Defaults to "", but "&" may be useful as well.


[edit source]
  1. {{cite video | people=Fouladkar, Assad (Director) | date=2003-05-15 | url=http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0343175 | title=Lamma hikyit Maryam | trans_title = When Maryam Spoke Out | medium=Motion picture | location=Lebanon | publisher=Fouladkar, Assad}}
  2. Fouladkar, Assad (Director) (2003-05-15). "[When Maryam Spoke Out]". Lamma hikyit Maryam (Motion picture). Lebanon: Fouladkar, Assad. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0343175. 

See also

[edit source]