Talk:CisLunarFreighter/Scripts and case studies

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What rating does this game need to be? Can it be M.. E? ??? (M would be more fun.) --Remi0o 10:35, 12 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

I am not familar with this rating scale. I assume M means mature. Since we have no way to verify or enforce age groups or maturity levels I would advocate content and gameplay appropriate for general audiences. I was hoping to keep the violence down and within appropriate contexts. For example. The freighter's objective is to deliver cargo, not blow up as many other spacecraft or asteroids as possible. There are plenty of other games around which address the violence and sexual cravings of players. I have some ideas about introducing educational content by allowing various levels of loading to affecting the operation of the freighter sprite due to load balance and mass layout interacting with the thruster layout. Obviously others may have other ideas .... so let's hear them!! Mirwin 03:40, 18 January 2007 (UTC)Reply