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Spanish ordinal numbers

From Wikiversity

In Spanish, ordinal numbers represents the rank of a number with respect to some order, in particular order or position (i.e. first, second, third, etc.)

Números ordinales (Ordinal Numbers)

Ordinal Number English Translation Czech Translation
1st first primero
2nd second segundo
3rd third tercero
4th fourth cuarto
5th fifth quinto
6th sixth sexto
7th seventh septimo
8th eighth octavo
9th ninth noveno
10th tenth décimo
11th eleventh undécimo, decimoprimero, décimo primero
12th twelfth duodécimo, decimosegundo, décimo segundo
13th thirteenth decimotercero, décimo tercero
14th fourteenth decimocuarto, décimo cuarto
15th fifteenth decimoquinto, décimo quinto
16th sixteenth decimosexto, décimo sexto
17th seventeenth decimoséptimo, décimo séptimo
18th eighteenth decimoctavo, décimo octavo
19th nineteenth decimonoveno, décimo noveno
20th twentieth vigésimo
21st twenty first vigesimoprimero, vigésimo primero
30th thirtieth trigésimo
40th fortieth cuadragésimo
50th fiftieth quincuagésimo
60th sixtieth sexagésimo
70th seventieth septuagésimo
80th eightieth octogésimo
90th ninetieth nonagésimo
100th one hundredth centésimo
200th one hundredth ducentésimo
300th one hundredth tricentésimo
400th one hundredth cuadringentésimo
500th one hundredth quingentésimo
600th one hundredth sexcentésimo
700th one hundredth septingentésimo
800th one hundredth octingentésimo
900th one hundredth noningentésimo
1000th one hundredth milésimo

See Also