Progress and Prospects in Parkinson's Research/Symptoms/Paraesthesia

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Sensations arising spontaneously in a limb or other part of the body, e,g."pins and needles" or fluctuations of warmth or coldness.

The following references are relevant:-

Fuentes et al (2010) Restoration of locomotive function in Parkinson’s disease by spinal cord stimulation: mechanistic approach [1]

Varanese et al(2010) Treatment of Advanced Parkinson's Disease [2]

Ahlskog (2010) Seniors with Parkinson's Disease: Initial Medical Treatment [3]

Further Research

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Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Paraesthesia.
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)


  1. Fuentes, Romulo; Petersson, Per and Peterson, Miguel (2010) Full TextEur. J. Neurosci. 32 (7) 1100 –1 108. Restoration of locomotive function in Parkinson’s disease by spinal cord stimulation: mechanistic approach
  2. Varanese et al ,Sara: Birnbaum, Zoe; Rossi, Roger and Di Rocco, Alessandro (2010) Full TextParkinsons Dis. 2010: 480260. Treatment of Advanced Parkinson's Disease
  3. Ahlskog, J. Eric (2010) Full TextJ. Clin. Neurol. 6 (4) 159 – 166.Seniors with Parkinson's Disease: Initial Medical Treatment