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A Minecraft server allows anyone to create a world that players around the world can connect to.

Types[edit | edit source]

Vanilla[edit | edit source]

Original/unmodified server that Mojang distributes, but not commonly used on public servers due to griefing.

Bukkit[edit | edit source]

A previously very common server that no longer exists due to a DMCA takedown request.

Spigot[edit | edit source]

As Spigot was based on Bukkit, it was also hit with a DMCA takedown. Spigot has been modified for newer versions of Minecraft, and no longer contains the code that caused the DMCA. It is the most common type of server used.

Forge[edit | edit source]

Forge allows mods to be added to a server. Everyone who connects usually requires that mod to be installed.

Cauldron[edit | edit source]

Cauldron was a Forge server that allowed Bukkit plugins to be installed. It was hit with a DMCA takedown and no longer exists.

Sponge[edit | edit source]

Created in response to the DMCA takedowns of Bukkit, Spigot, and Cauldron, Sponge is a server that works on top of Forge, as it is a mod that is installed onto the Forge server. However, players who connect do not need the Sponge mod nor any mods that work with Sponge.