MATLAB/Wikiquiz writer (MATLAB)/Numeric/testeditor.m

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function [ wikiName, wikiHeadABC, wikiHeadD_Z,wikiFirst, wikiCell, wikiMatrix, wikiType] = testeditor(  ) %NO EDIT
%% Change the following lines as needed:
wikiName='pexxWikiQuiz'; %Name of wikiquiz
wikiHeadABC='[[Physics equations/Sheet|Equations for this quiz]] ' ; %What follows is long, so we concatenate:
wikiHeadABC=[wikiHeadABC '         ['];
wikiHeadABC=[wikiHeadABC '/openstaxphysics/quiz_solutions/quiz_solutions.htm Solutions(pdf)]       '];
wikiHeadABC=[wikiHeadABC '       [[/Testbank/]]'];
wikiHeadABC=[wikiHeadABC ' [[Category: Physics equations/Quizzes]]'] ;
wikiFirst='noIntroLine';% (If 'noIntroLine' there is no introductory line)
wikiType =1;%Set wikiType to 1 or 2
%   If WikiType=1, wrong answers are 
%       multiplied by 10^(n/N) where n is a small integer and N=wikiDR
%   If WikiType=2, wrong answers are 
%       larger by n*N where n is a small integer and N=wikiDR               
wikiQI=0; %NO EDIT  (counts the questions)
% Copy and paste from %%BEGIN QUESTION%% to %%END QUESTION%% as needed
wikiS='What is the sum of '; % S0 
wikiV=randi([1,99])/10; x=wikiV ; % V1 
wikiS= [wikiS num2str(wikiV)]; % V2 
wikiS=[wikiS,' apples plus ']; % S1
wikiV=randi([1,99]); y=wikiV; % V1   
wikiS= [wikiS num2str(wikiV)]; % V2 
wikiS=[wikiS ' apples?']; % S1%  
wikiA =x+y; % use as many lines as you need to obtain wikiA:
wikiU =' apples';% wikiU = units 
wikiDR = 25; % wikiDR = detractor ratio is wikType=1 (comment out to reverse to prior)
wikiSigfig=2;% wikiSigfig = sig figs 
%Housekeeping  (do not edit)
wikiQI=wikiQI+1;wikiCell{wikiQI,1}=wikiS;wikiCell{wikiQI,2}=wikiU; %Do not edit
wikiMatrix(wikiQI,:)=[wikiA wikiDR wikiSigfig]; %Do not edit
wikiS='What is the sum of '; % S0 
wikiV=randi([1,99])/10; x=wikiV ; % V1 
wikiS= [wikiS num2str(wikiV)]; % V2 
wikiS=[wikiS,' apples plus ']; % S1
wikiV=randi([1,99]); y=wikiV; % V1   
wikiS= [wikiS num2str(wikiV)]; % V2 
wikiS=[wikiS ' apples?']; % S1%  
wikiA =x+y; % use as many lines as you need to obtain wikiA:
wikiU =' apples';% wikiU = units 
wikiDR = 25; % wikiDR = detractor ratio is wikType=1 (comment out to reverse to prior)
wikiSigfig=2;% wikiSigfig = sig figs 
%Housekeeping  (do not edit)
wikiQI=wikiQI+1;wikiCell{wikiQI,1}=wikiS;wikiCell{wikiQI,2}=wikiU; %Do not edit
wikiMatrix(wikiQI,:)=[wikiA wikiDR wikiSigfig]; %Do not edit
wikiS='What is the sum of '; % S0 
wikiV=randi([1,99])/10; x=wikiV ; % V1 
wikiS= [wikiS num2str(wikiV)]; % V2 
wikiS=[wikiS,' apples plus ']; % S1
wikiV=randi([1,99]); y=wikiV; % V1   
wikiS= [wikiS num2str(wikiV)]; % V2 
wikiS=[wikiS ' apples?']; % S1%  
wikiA =x+y; % use as many lines as you need to obtain wikiA:
wikiU =' apples';% wikiU = units 
wikiDR = 25; % wikiDR = detractor ratio is wikType=1 (comment out to reverse to prior)
wikiSigfig=2;% wikiSigfig = sig figs 
%Housekeeping  (do not edit)
wikiQI=wikiQI+1;wikiCell{wikiQI,1}=wikiS;wikiCell{wikiQI,2}=wikiU; %Do not edit
wikiMatrix(wikiQI,:)=[wikiA wikiDR wikiSigfig]; %Do not edit
end % NO EDIT (must follow last question)