MATLAB/Wikiquiz writer (MATLAB)/Numeric/main.m

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function [void]=main(void) %NO EDIT
%MAIN is the program you run to create the wikiquizzes after
%testeditor.m has been suitably modified.  But you do not edit MAIN.
% variable list (may be outdated) %NO EDIT
% wikiMatrix(answer,wikiDR,wikiSigFig) %NO EDIT
% wikiType = 1 most of the time.%NO EDIT
% WikiSigFig is called sf in bookeeping.%NO EDIT
clear all; close all; clc; %clear here because we begin here.
[ wikiName, wikiHeadABC,wikiHeadD_Z, wikiFirst, wikiCell, wikiMatrix, wikiType] = testeditor(  );%NO EDIT
cellsofar{1,1}=wikiHeadABC;%%NO EDIT First line of a wikiquiz
for index=65:67%NO EDIT
[ wikiName, wikiHeadABC,wikiHeadD_Z, wikiFirst, wikiCell, wikiMatrix, wikiType] = testeditor(  );%NO EDIT
cellsofar=startonequiz(wikiName,char(index) , wikiFirst, cellsofar);% ... <quiz display=simple>
cellsofar=finishthequiz(wikiMatrix,wikiCell,1, cellsofar);% ... </quiz>
printafile([wikiName 'ABC'],cellsofar);%NO EDIT
clear cellsofar;%NO EDIT
cellsofar{1,1}=wikiHeadD_Z;%First line of a wikiquiz
for index=68:90%NO EDIT
[ wikiName, wikiHeadABC,wikiHeadD_Z, wikiFirst, wikiCell, wikiMatrix, wikiType] = testeditor(  );%NO EDIT
cellsofar=startonequiz(wikiName,char(index) , wikiFirst, cellsofar);% ... <quiz display=simple>
cellsofar=finishthequiz(wikiMatrix,wikiCell,1, cellsofar);% ... </quiz>
printafile([wikiName 'D_Z'],cellsofar);%NO EDIT
%%% functions %%%%%NO EDIT
    function [cellsofar]=finishthequiz(wikiMatrix,wikiCell,wikiType, cellsofar)%NO EDIT
        % FINISHTHEQUIZ finishes a wikiquiz with </quiz>
        nQues=size(wikiMatrix,1);%NO EDIT
        for iQues=1:nQues%NO EDIT
            cellsofar{size(cellsofar,1)+1,1}=['{',char(wikiCell(iQues,1)),'}'];%NO EDIT
            anspos = randi([1,5]);%NO EDIT
            for iAns=1:5%NO EDIT
                lett=char(96+iAns);%NO EDIT
                if iAns==anspos%NO EDIT
                    key = '+';%NO EDIT
                else%NO EDIT
                    key = '-';%NO EDIT
                end%NO EDIT
                s=[key,lett,') '];%NO EDIT
                %%%%%%%%The default is wikiType =1%%%%%%%%%NO EDIT
%This default multiplies the answer by 10^(n/N) where N=wikiDR=wikiMatrix(:,2)                 
                if wikiType ==1%NO EDIT
                ef=10^((iAns-anspos)/wikiMatrix(iQues,2));%NO EDIT
                sf=num2str(wikiMatrix(iQues,3)); % = wikiSigFig in testeditor
                form=['%.' sf 'E'];%NO EDIT
                num = num2str(ef*wikiMatrix(iQues,1),form);%NO EDIT
                end%NO EDIT
                %%%%%%%%%%%%%% wikiType not yet incorporated%%%%%%%%
              if wikiType==2%NO EDIT
                ef=iAns-anspos; %ef is now what is added or subtracted 
                sf=num2str(WikiMatrix(iQues,3));%NO EDIT
                form=['%6.' sf 'f'];  % now floating point
                num = num2str(ef+WikiMatrix(iQues,1),form);%NO EDIT
              end %NO EDIT
                %end copy to below
                s=[s num ' ' char(wikiCell(iQues,2))];%NO EDIT
                cellsofar{size(cellsofar,1)+1,1}=s;%NO EDIT
            end%NO EDIT
            cellsofar{size(cellsofar,1)+1,1}= '  ' ;%NO EDIT
        end%NO EDIT
            cellsofar{size(cellsofar,1)+1,1}= '</quiz>  ' ;%NO EDIT
        end%NO EDIT
    end%NO EDIT
    function [cellsofar]=startonequiz(wikiName, letter ,wikiFirst,cellsofar)%NO EDIT
        %STARTONEQUIZ adds: ==wikiName letter==    wikifirst   <quiz...
        % cellsofar is appended to original cellsofar
        string = ['==' wikiName ' ' letter '=='];%NO EDIT
        cellsofar{size(cellsofar,1)+1,1}=string;%NO EDIT
        if ~strcmp(wikiFirst,'noIntroLine');%NO EDIT
            cellsofar{size(cellsofar,1)+1,1}=wikiFirst;%NO EDIT
        end%NO EDIT
        cellsofar{size(cellsofar,1)+1,1}= '<quiz display=simple>';%NO EDIT
    end%NO EDIT
    function []=printafile(filename,cellsofar)%NO EDIT
        %PRINTAFILE makes a txt file with the name filename that contains the cell array cellsofar
        fout=fopen([filename '.txt'], 'w+');%NO EDIT
        for count=1:size(cellsofar,1)%NO EDIT
            string=char(cellsofar(count,1));%NO EDIT
            fprintf(fout,'%s\n',char(string));%NO EDIT
        end%NO EDIT
        fclose(fout);%NO EDIT
    end%NO EDIT