Low Vision Rehabilitation/1ː What is low vision and low vision rehabilitation?/What is low vision?

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Mrs Thelma Scope is a patient at See Well Australia. Through Mrs Scope you will come to understand what low vision is, how it is defined and what it means to have an impairment. In addition, you will consider the epidemiology and impact of low vision in Australia.

Task 1

Watch the What is Low Vision? lectorial where you will find out about your new patient Mrs Thelma Scope.

Next, answer this set of questions. Consult the resources below in addition to finding your own resources. When answering the questions, think about what you know so far about Mrs Scope. Discuss and compare your answers with the students in your group.

Task 2

Referring to the Eye Research Australia (Clear Insight) Economic Impact and Cost of Low Vision in Australia publication, answer these questions. Don't forget to consider your patient Thelma when answering the questions.

Additional reading

You might wish to find out more about the evolution of low vision rehabilitation. If so, access the following link: Vukicevic M. Vision Rehabilitation (2008)