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Laboratory on Mathematics and Mathematics Education/Fermi Questions/Scaffolds

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Fermi questions: How teachers can help

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When students are not used to Fermi questions, they have problems to solve them. It's the teachers responsibility to help them. How can students be supported when they answer Fermi questions for the first time? Collect your results!

Group 1

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  • Os estudantes podem ficam asustados quando apresentados as perguntas de fermi, como tambem podem achar que é mera brincadeira e nao levarem a serio a questao apresentada.
  • Perante as perguntas de fermi pode-se notar nos estudantes um sembrante de desespero de espanto ou de brincadeira como que diz que as perguntas nao precisam de respostas.

or The fermi questions create in students cembrant of admiretion, create in mind of students questions for play or for relax.

  • hi group 1. coment of group 7
  • Português
  • o grupo 7 agradece a contribuicao do grupo 1 nesta questao, porem acreditamos que nao apresenta solucoes concretas, apenas o cenario que pode suceder durante a aula, o leva concluir que estao totalmente contra o uso das questoes de Fermi no processo ensino aprendizagem
  • no entanto, sugerimos que o grupo 1 entcontre a solucao do despero dos alunos tomando em conta improtancia destes na construcao do conhecimento ns sala de aula
  • melhores cumprimentos
  • Inglês
  • Group 7 thanks to a contribution of the group this question, but believe it does not present concrete solutions, just the scenario that may happen during class, leads to conclude who are totally against the use of Fermi questions in the learning process
  • However, suggest that group 1 entcontre the solution to the despair of students taking these into account improtancia in the construction of classroom knowledge ns

OuvirLer foneticamente

  • best regard

Group 2

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  • A Primeira reaccao dos Alunos , provavelmente, Seria de considerar e Espanto uma Pergunta Absurda , Pelo facto de O PARECER impossivel encontrar UMA Resposta exacta . UMa Vez nao descubrindo uma Resposta , desmotivados FICAM , Pelo Que o professor desen Ajuda - los um trocadilho um pesrpectiva da Questão

  • A seguir, eles apresentam muita exitacao em responder esse tipo de perguntas porque julgam vagas as suas possiveis respostas.
  • We are not agree because: the questions are not absurd or impossible for the student, but he is faced with a difficult question to answer, and structuring and raises a number of assumptions in an attempt to find the answer, ultimately concluding that it is not conclusive issues.

Group 3

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When the student is facing Fermi type has the following printing: 
  • Are complex,
  • Are non-terminating
  • Do not have a logical reasoning
  • Are difficult to design
  • Are difficult validation

To solve these problems caused by Fermi questions  we can: 
  • Raise student, showing the relevance of the questions,
  • Demonstrate with the essence of these truthful cases issues, giving an example and solving the problems.
  • Demonstrate that this type of question allows the student to have different ways of solving problems and also allows you to make a good interaction between theory and practice.

Comments about analysis of Group 4:

We agree with reality terrace by Group 4, about Fermi questions, but we have to add that permit the development of student thinking, opens the horizon analysis of the phenomena and the pursuit of various solutions.

Group 4

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  • Are difficult questions to answer and structuring
  • Do not have a conclusive answer, are open.
  • Stimulate various research

Comment We agree your position, but we think that the playing caracter of this type stimulates to trian mind.

thanks for your comments

Group 5

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  • exigem muito esforço...
  • ...

Group 6

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Group 7

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  • Português
  • As questoes de Fermi devem estar ligado o dia a dia do aluno, de modo a ter uma imagem da solucao
  • Definir claramente o objectivo das questoes
  • Orientar o aluno com questoes mais simples que podem conduzir ao resultado problema em causa
  • Inglish
  • The Fermi questions must be connected on the day of the student to take a picture of the solution
  • Clearly define the purpose of the questions
  • To guide students with simple questions that can lead to the outcome problem in question

Ok. Talves questionar da seguinte maneira para melhor entender o vosso raciocinio: -Quando é que o aluno pode ter uma imagem duma soluçao com uma questao que deseja saber o numero de cabelo que ele leva na cabeça, ou seja, que tipo de soluçao ele pode trazer na mente? -Sera que o aluno vai difinir o objectivo da questao de que modo? Por exemplo um professor questiona quantos fios de cabelo tens na cabeça, que objetivo pode surgir. -Que questoes mais cimples, as mesmas de Fermi ou outras seria bom que detalhassem. VALEU!

Group 8

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Group 9

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Group 10

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