Interpolation of sparse pointwise and integral geographical Data over Time/point interpolate.m

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function vals = point_interpolate(lattice, points, volumes, time)

% Gives the interpolating spline of the point values.
% lattice has two parts, lattice.points is an array of points (rowwise)
%                        lattice.cells  is an array of cells  (rowwise pointids)
% points contains the prescribed point values in the form 
%                      (pointid, value, timeofmeasurement)
% We return a vals array, which contains in vals.points the values at the 
% points to be interpolated and at vals.centers the values at the centers to
% be interpolated 

weightfunction = @(t) (t>=0).*exp(-t).*(t<=5);
% kill "future" and irrelevant values": 
idx = find(weightfunction(time-points(:,3))>0);
points = points(idx, :);
idx = find(weightfunction(time-volumes(:,3))>0);
volumes = volumes(idx,:);
% for each pointid, we form the weightted average of the measurements 
vals.points = zeros(size(lattice.points, 1), 1);

for i = 1:length(vals.points)
  idx = find(points(:,1) == i);
  weights = weightfunction(points(idx, 3));
  vals.points(i) = (weights .* points(idx, 2)) / sum(weights);

% for each cellid, we form the weighted average of the measurements
vals.centers = zeros(size(lattice.cells, 1), 1);

for i = 1:length(vals.centers)
  idx = find(volumes(:, 1) == i);
  weights = weightfunction(volumes(idx, 3));
  vals.centers(i) = (weights .* volumes(idx, 2)) / sum(weights);