Imperialism Q&A

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  1. What is imperialism?
    • The take-over of a country with the intent of dominating political, economic and social life [of the country].
  2. The motivations for imperialism fall into three major categories:
    • Nationalism, economic, humanitarian and religious reasons.
  3. Imperialism is a direct result of the Industrial Revolution because imperialism provided European countries with...
    • Raw materials and markets
  4. Missionaries wanted to end starvation by teaching new methods of farming, building schools to remove illiteracy, stop warfare, etc.
  5. Explain the "white man's burden".
    • Duty of white men to educate the rest of the world.
  6. What is Social Darwinism?
    • Only the strongest race survive.
  7. List two ways Africa and Asia were impacted by 19th-century imperialism.
    • Technological advancements and cultural changes.
  8. List and describe the three forms of imperialism
    • Colonies - Jamestown
    • Protectorates - Puerto Rico
    • Spheres of Influence - China
  9. What was Africa like prior to the arrival of Europeans in the 19th century?
    • Very diverse; trading networks existed.
  10. What were the external factors that made it possible for Europeans to divide Africa among themselves?
    • Weaponry, Steam Power (boats, railroads, communication), quinine against malaria.
  11. What were the internal factors that made it possible for Europeans to divide Africa among themselves?
    • Wars, ethnic rivals, lack of weapons
  12. Where did the division of Africa begin?
    • The Berlin Conference
  13. What was England's most valuable colony in Africa? Why?
    • Egypt; Suez Canal
  14. Where in Africa were most of the French colonies located? Which two European countries competed for the same territory in this part of Africa?
    • Northwestern Africa; Britain and France
  15. Why was Germany forced to enter the race for colonies at a later date?
    • They were newly united.
  16. How successful were the Italians in acquiring colonies in Africa?
    • Not successful
  17. Sometime conflicts between European countries were resolved in Africa. An example is the Zulu War, which was fought between the British and the Zulu for control of South Africa.
  18. A boer war is one which impacts all parts of the population. The first modern total war was the Boer War. South Africa was valuable because it provided diamonds and gold.
  19. What tactics did the British use to win the Boer War?
    • Burned Boer farms and imprisoned their women and children in concentration camps.
  20. What man-made body of water did the English use to get to their empire in Asia? Which European country paid to have the canal built?
    • Suez Canal; The French
  21. How was India originally ruled by the British?
  22. Why was India called the "Jewel of the Crown"?
    • Major supplier of raw materials and markets to buy British goods.
  23. Who were the first to rebel against the British? What role did they play? When did the rebellion take place?
    • Sepoys; Indian soldiers in British army; 1857-1858
  24. How did the Sepoy Rebellion change the way the British ruled India?
    • Ruled directly by a British viceroy.
  25. This leads to an increase in Indian nationalism. What is the goal of this movement?
    • Change the social and econonmic system that regard Indians as 2nd class citizen in their own country.
  26. What are the names of the first two nationalist groups in India? What separates the two groups, other than the time in which they were created?
    • Indian National Congress and Muslim League; Religion
  27. What policy did Chinese emperors enforce with the rest of the world? Why was this policy enforced?
    • Isolationism; Wanted to remain independent of other influences.
  28. What was the name of the only seaport open to foreigners for trade?
    • Canton
  29. What was the tributary system?
    • Paying taxes and money in honor of Chinese culture
  30. What was a sphere of influence?
    • Spread culture on a country with no aid from authority
  31. What did Britain use to gain control of the tea trade in China?
    • Opium
  32. What were the terms of the treaty that ended the Opium War (1839-1842)? What is the benefit to Europeans of the right of extraterritoriality?
    • Legalized Opium, extraterriterairty, gain Hong Kong; Could make own laws in China.
  33. What was the cause of the Boxer Rebellion?
    • Resistance to foreign influence.
  34. What do the Sepoy Rebellion in India and the Boxer Rebellion in China have in common?
    • More direct control
  35. What policy did Japan adopt regarding foreigners in the 1600s?
    • Sakoku
  36. Name the man and the country he is from who opened Japan to trade with the western world.
    • Matthew Perry of the USA
  37. What method was used?
    • Negotiating treaties
  38. What factors hamper Japan's modernization?
    • Shortage of natural resources, scarce farmland and increasing population
  39. What is the solution to the above?
    • Sino Japanese War (1894-95) and Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)
  40. Japan wins both.
  41. Why is Japan's rapid modernization successful?
    • Nationalism, propserpous and well-educated middle class, acceptance of new ideas.
  42. By 1912, Japan has become "the exception to imperialism". What does this mean?
    • Europe is forced to see them as the leading force in Asia.