ICT in Education/Change Projects/2016B Tanzania Supporting Virtual Learning

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Title of the change project :Supporting Virtual Learning to Improve the Quality of Teacher Education at the College of Education: A Proposed Change Project

Change agent :Life Academy

Email :ndibaplac@yahoo.com

Name of the organisation :The University of Dodoma

Country :Tanzania

Started date :September, 2016

Status (finished/ongoing) :Ongoing

1. Background of the project (problem):Content delivery at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels is predominantly face to face. This mode of delivery is increasingly becoming ineffective in the light of staff shortages, limited teaching and learning resources and increased demand for highly qualified graduate teachers necessary to serve the growing demand for human resources which Tanzania’s fast growing economy needs. The opportunities presented by advances in information and communication technologies (ICTs) have not been explored and harnessed fully by UDOM and the College of Education to serve education and training purposes. Developing human resource capacity in the use of ICTs for education coupled with easy access to secure network and cyber infrastructure seems to be the logical step towards establishing the prerequisites for the envisioned knowledge based economy by 2030.

2. Objectives :(i) Create awareness on how ICT could be used as a pedagogical tool in teacher education; (ii) Establish a physical environment that is conducive for flexible teaching and learning; (iii) Develop human resource capacity for blended learning at the College of Education; (iv) Develop content that can be delivered and accessed through digital mode; (v) Customize Edmodo open source software for use as UDOM’s learning management system in promoting learner centered learning.

3. Stakeholders :Lecturers and University Students

4. List of Activities :Training on the use of Edmodo

5. Expected result ; Reliable data sharing within UDOM and with outside institutions Flexible mode of teaching and assessment of students (combining both synchronous and asynchronous modes) Timely feedback on student learning. Easy access to affordable internet services offered by the University Reliable and fast internet access

6.  Actual result  :

7. The Project organisation :The University of Dodoma

Last Updated :