ICT in Education/Change Projects/2015C Afghanistan Role of ICT and Pedagogical development

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Title of the change project : Provincial Education Department’s Database- Project

Change agent : Hoshang Schiwa

Email :

Name of the organisation : Embassy of Sweden in Afghanistan/Sida

Country : Afghanistan

Started date : March 2016

Status (finished/ongoing) :

1. Background of the project (problem):

Afghanistan is one of the world’s poorest countries, and has experienced many years of violent struggles. Continuous conflict since 1979 to the end of the last century destroyed most of the country’s infrastructure and left millions of its citizens in exile. The collapse of the Taliban regime in 2001 led to a new government in Kabul, and a re-opening of Afghanistan to the world. On the road to development, Afghanistan faces several challenges, including issues in the communications sector.

Nevertheless, since 2001, the country has seen significant progress in the growth of its infrastructure, and there have been improvements in the delivery of government services to the citizens.

The ICT sector has played a significant part in this transition. The number of telephone lines in the country has grown from less than 20 thousand in 2001 to close to 20 million today, in a population of about 30 million. The country is also connecting to global information networks in the Middle East, South and Central Asia and is benefiting from the development of a national fiber optic backbone. More diverse, plural media and information sources are now available, though their sustainability remains questionable.


-         Government when it comes to technology is week no access in the country side even some provinces

-         Basic learning in educational system when it comes to ICT and pedagogical is week

-         Presence of Talibans makes disconnect the ICT system e.g. mobile phone antenna etc…

-         Local Government still use is old system not computers, internet the reports are delivery physically 

-         The archive system in Afghanistan is not computerized all the records are in books

2. Objectives :

  1. Develop and deliver a web based data and information management system.
  2. Connect various governmental and non-governmental organization through online information exchange.
  3. Enable  arriving and new organization to come to speed with the data and information
  4. Create a centralized data and information hub.
  5. Improve reporting systems throughout social and economic development sectors in Helmand by helping organization realize the benefit and importance of information management.
  6. Help NGOs and GOs avoid spending on overlapping projects, duplication of efforts and avoid unproportioned concentration of aid in one area.
  7. Yearly publications of reports and statistics: also make printed information available for use by ordinary and professional individuals and organizations.

3. Stakeholders :

Department of Education

Provincial Governor Office


Ministry of Education

4. List of Activities :

  1. Phase 1: Research
  2. Phase 2: Model for Information collecting.
  3. Phase 3: Database blueprint.
  4. Phase 4: Writing of the actual database software.
  5. Phase 5: Testing the alpha and Beta versions of the database software.
  6. Phase6: Review and adjustments.
  7. Phase7: Final review and preparation of deployment.
  8. Phase 8: Deployment and Demonstration.

5. Expected result ; 

- The database system has been established  

- The archive and its unit equiped  

- 107 staff of education unit are trained   

6.  Actual result  :

7. The Project organisation :

Last Updated :