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Esper', English, Esperanto.

Esper' English Esperanto
aynjus' any very recent (aynjus')
〔 any_of- "jus" 〕 〔 "aynj" -newbie 〕
aynyust' any of the fair (aynyust')
〔 any_of- "yust" 〕 〔 "ayny" -potential_state 〕
cud' tus' should cough
dev' tus' must cough
dujus' two very recent (dujus')
〔 two- "jus" 〕 〔 "duj" -newbie 〕
duyust' two of the fair (duyust')
〔 two- "yust" 〕 〔 "duy" -potential_state 〕
flus' flood (flud')
ijus' some very recent (ijus')
〔 some- "jus" 〕 〔 "ij" -newbie 〕
ilyust' power of fair (ilyust')
〔 some- "lyust" 〕 〔 power_of- "yust" 〕 〔 "ily" -potential_state 〕
iyust' some of the fair (iyust')
〔 some- "yust" 〕 〔 "iy" -potential_state 〕
jus' barely recently (jus') (jus')
jus' just barely (jus') (jus')
jus' just now (jus') (jus')
jus' recent (jus') (jus')
jus' recently (jus') (jus')
kud' gust' could taste
malflus' ebb (eb')
〔 "malfl" -newbie / opposite_of- "flus" 〕
minus' minus (minus')
〔 "min" -newbie / first_person- "nus" 〕
minus (minus')
onjus' one very recent (onjus')
〔 one- "jus" 〕 〔 "onj" -newbie 〕
onyust' one of the fair (onyust')
〔 one- "yust" 〕 〔 "ony" -potential_state 〕
plus' plus (plus') plus (plus')
us' conditional (conditional')
us' conditionally (conditional')
us' general conditional
us' learning how
us' newbie (newbi')
us' perhaps (perhaps')
ust' conditional state
ust' may be
ust' potential state
ust' stative conditional
wil' gust' will taste
wud' gust' would taste
yust' fair (yust') (yust')
yust' fairly (yust') juste (yust')
yust' fairness (yust') (yust')
zijus' each very recent (zijus')
〔 every- "jus" 〕 〔 "zij" -newbie 〕
ziyust' all of the fair (ziyust')
〔 every- "yust" 〕 〔 "ziy" -potential_state 〕
antivirus'a antiviral (antiviral'a)
〔 "antivirus" -adjective / "antivir" -adjective -newbie / "antivi" -adjective -newbie -head / "antiv" -adjective -newbie -opportunity / "ant" -adjective -newbie -opportunity -knowledgable 〕
antivirusa (antivirus'a)
anus'a anal (anal'a)
〔 "anus" -adjective / "an" -adjective -newbie 〕
anusa (anus'a)
atcgust'a horrible (horibl'a)
〔 "atcgust" -adjective 〕 〔 "atcg" -adjective -potential_state 〕
aĉgusta (atcgust'a)
bongust'a delicious (delicius'a)
〔 "bongust" -adjective / good- "gust" -adjective 〕 〔 "bong" -adjective -potential_state 〕
bongusta (bongust'a)
bongust'a tasty (tast'a) bongusta (bongust'a)
brulgust'a burnt (burnt'a)
〔 "brulgust" -adjective 〕 〔 "brulg" -adjective -potential_state 〕
brulgusta (brulgust'a)
brusk'a sharp (carp'a)
〔 "brusk" -adjective 〕
bruska (brusk'a)
djust'a correct (corect'a)
〔 "djust" -adjective 〕
ĝusta (djust'a)
djust'a exact (exact'a) ĝusta (djust'a)
djust'a right (riqt'a) ĝusta (djust'a)
fokus'a focal (focal'a)
〔 "fokus" -adjective / "fok" -adjective -newbie 〕
fokusa (fokus'a)
ilustr'a illustrative (ilustr'a)
〔 some- "lustr" -adjective / some- "lust" -adjective -head 〕 〔 power_of- "ustr" -adjective / power_of- "ust" -adjective -head 〕 〔 "ilustr" -adjective / "ilust" -adjective -head / "il" -adjective -would_lead 〕
ilustra (ilustr'a)
jus'a barely (jus'a)
〔 "jus" -adjective 〕
jus'a just now (jus'a) (jus'a)
jus'a recent (jus'a) (jus'a)
konus'a conical (konus'a)
〔 "konus" -adjective / "kon" -adjective -newbie 〕
konusa (konus'a)
konus'a tapered (konus'a) konusa (konus'a)
krust'a crusty (crust'a)
〔 "krust" -adjective 〕
krusta (krust'a)
malbongust'a disgusting (disgust'a)
〔 "malbongust" -adjective / opposite_of- "bongust" -adjective / opposite_of- good- "gust" -adjective 〕 〔 "malbong" -adjective -potential_state / "malb" -adjective -potential_state -extractor / opposite_of- "bong" -adjective -potential_state 〕
malbongusta (malbongust'a)
maldjust'a mistaken (mist'a)
〔 "maldjust" -adjective / opposite_of- "djust" -adjective 〕 〔 "maldj" -adjective -potential_state 〕
malĝusta (maldjust'a)
maldjust'a wrong (wrong'a) malĝusta (maldjust'a)
malyust'a unfair (malyust'a)
〔 "malyust" -adjective / opposite_of- "yust" -adjective 〕 〔 "maly" -adjective -potential_state 〕
maljusta (malyust'a)
malyust'a unjust (malyust'a) maljusta (malyust'a)
malyust'a wrongful (malyust'a) maljusta (malyust'a)
mayuskl'a capital (capital'a)
〔 "mayuskl" -adjective 〕
majuskla (majuskl'a)
mayuskl'a capitalized (capital'a) majuskla (majuskl'a)
musk'a mossy (mos'a)
〔 "musk" -adjective 〕
nedjust'a incorrect (incorect'a)
〔 "nedjust" -adjective / no,_not- "djust" -adjective 〕 〔 "nedj" -adjective -potential_state 〕
neĝusta (nedjust'a)
nedjust'a wrong (wrong'a) neĝusta (nedjust'a)
neyust'a invidious (neyust'a)
〔 "neyust" -adjective / no,_not- "yust" -adjective 〕 〔 "ney" -adjective -potential_state 〕
nejusta (neyust'a)
plus'a positive (pos'a)
〔 "plus" -adjective 〕
plusa (plus'a)
polus'a polar (pol'a)
〔 "polus" -adjective / "pol" -adjective -newbie / at_the_rate_of- "lus" -adjective 〕
polusa (polus'a)
radius'a radial (radial'a)
〔 "radius" -adjective / "radi" -adjective -newbie 〕
rebus'a convoluted (convoluted'a)
〔 "rebus" -adjective / "reb" -adjective -newbie 〕
rust'a blighted (bliqt'a)
〔 "rust" -adjective 〕
rusta (rust'a)
rust'a rusty (rust'a) rusta (rust'a)
salgust'a salty (salt'a)
〔 "salgust" -adjective 〕 〔 "salg" -adjective -potential_state 〕
salgusta (salgust'a)
sengust'a tasteless (tast'a)
〔 "sengust" -adjective / without- "gust" -adjective 〕 〔 "seng" -adjective -potential_state 〕
sengusta (sengust'a)
sinus'a sinusoidal (sin'a)
〔 "sinus" -adjective / "sin" -adjective -newbie / reflexive- "nus" -adjective 〕
talus'a sloping (slop'a)
〔 "talus" -adjective / "tal" -adjective -newbie 〕
talusa (talus'a)
tsitrus'a citrus (citrus'a)
〔 "tsitrus" -adjective / "tsitr" -adjective -newbie / "tsit" -adjective -newbie -head 〕
citrusa (citrus'a)
unupolus'a unipolar (unipolar'a)
〔 "unupolus" -adjective / "unupol" -adjective -newbie / "unup" -adjective -newbie -compared_to / "un" -adjective -newbie -compared_to -kit / as one- "pol" -adjective -newbie / as one- "polus" -adjective / as one- "pol" -adjective -newbie / as one- at_the_rate_of- "lus" -adjective 〕
unupolusa (unupolus'a)
us'a conditional (conditional'a)
〔 "us" -adjective 〕
usm'a curios (curios'a)
〔 "usm" -adjective 〕
virus'a viral (virus'a)
〔 "virus" -adjective / "vir" -adjective -newbie / "vi" -adjective -newbie -head / second_person- "rus" -adjective 〕
virusa (virus'a)
virus'a viruses (virus'a) (virus'a)
yust'a equitable (yust'a)
〔 "yust" -adjective 〕
justa (yust'a)
yust'a fair (yust'a) justa (yust'a)
yust'a just (yust'a) justa (yust'a)
awtobus'e by bus
〔 "awtobus" -adverb / "awtob" -adverb -newbie 〕
brusk'e sharply (carp'e)
〔 "brusk" -adverb 〕
bruske (brusk'e)
djust'e correctly (corect'e)
〔 "djust" -adverb 〕
ĝuste (djust'e)
djust'e exactly (exact'e) ĝuste (djust'e)
djust'e just right ĝuste (djust'e)
djust'e precisely (precisely'e) ĝuste (djust'e)
djust'e right (riqt'e) ĝuste (djust'e)
embusk'e unawares (unawares'e)
〔 "embusk" -adverb 〕
embuske (embusk'e)
jus'e barely (jus'e)
〔 "jus" -adverb 〕
jus'e freshly (jus'e) ĵus (jus'e)
jus'e just now (jus'e) (jus'e)
jus'e recently (jus'e) ĵus (jus'e)
maldjust'e wrongly (wrong'e)
〔 "maldjust" -adverb / opposite_of- "djust" -adverb 〕 〔 "maldj" -adverb -potential_state 〕
malĝuste (maldjust'e)
malyust'e iniquitous (malyust'e)
〔 "malyust" -adverb / opposite_of- "yust" -adverb 〕 〔 "maly" -adverb -potential_state 〕
maljuste (malyust'e)
malyust'e unfairly (malyust'e) maljuste (malyust'e)
minus'e minus (minus'e)
〔 "minus" -adverb / "min" -adverb -newbie / first_person- "nus" -adverb 〕
minus (minus'e)
nedjust'e incorrectly (incorect'e)
〔 "nedjust" -adverb / no,_not- "djust" -adverb 〕 〔 "nedj" -adverb -potential_state 〕
neĝuste (nedjust'e)
nedjust'e inexactly (inexact'e) neĝuste (nedjust'e)
nedjust'e wrongly (wrong'e) neĝuste (nedjust'e)
plus'e additionally (aditionaly'e)
〔 "plus" -adverb 〕
plus (plus'e)
tselsius'e in celsius
〔 "tselsius" -adverb / "tselsi" -adverb -newbie 〕
en grados Celsius
us'e conditionally (conditional'e)
〔 "us" -adverb 〕
us'e perhaps (perhaps'e)
ust'e conditionally (condit'e)
〔 "ust" -adverb 〕
ust'e may be
yust'e equitably (yust'e)
〔 "yust" -adverb 〕
juste (yust'e)
yust'e fairly (yust'e) juste (yust'e)
yust'e just (yust'e) juste (yust'e)
yust'e legitimately (yust'e) juste (yust'e)
yust'e right (yust'e) (yust'e)
am'ux gust'i would love to taste
〔 "am" -conditional /+/ "gust" -infinitive 〕
cat'ux gust'i would like to taste
〔 "cat" -conditional /+/ "gust" -infinitive 〕
cud'ax tus'i should cough
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "tus" -infinitive 〕
dev'ax tus'i must cough
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "tus" -infinitive 〕
dev'ix tus'i needed to cough
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "tus" -infinitive 〕
dev'ox tus'i will need to cough
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "tus" -infinitive 〕
em'ax gust'i tends to taste
〔 "em" -present /+/ "gust" -infinitive 〕
em'ix gust'i tended to taste
〔 "em" -past /+/ "gust" -infinitive 〕
em'ox gust'i will tend to taste
〔 "em" -future /+/ "gust" -infinitive 〕
em'ux gust'i would tend to taste
〔 "em" -conditional /+/ "gust" -infinitive 〕
embusk'i ambush (ambuc'i)
〔 "embusk" -infinitive 〕
embuski (embusk'i)
flustr'i to whisper (hwisper'i)
〔 "flustr" -infinitive / "flust" -infinitive -head 〕
flustri (flustr'i)
flustr'i whisper (hwisper'i) flustri (flustr'i)
fokus'i to focus (focus'i)
〔 "fokus" -infinitive / "fok" -infinitive -newbie 〕
frustr'i frustrate (frustr'i)
〔 "frustr" -infinitive / "frust" -infinitive -head 〕
frustri (frustr'i)
gust'i taste (tast'i)
〔 "gust" -infinitive 〕
gusti (gust'i)
gust'i to taste (tast'i)
ilustr'i illustrate (ilustr'i)
〔 some- "lustr" -infinitive / some- "lust" -infinitive -head 〕 〔 power_of- "ustr" -infinitive / power_of- "ust" -infinitive -head 〕 〔 "ilustr" -infinitive / "ilust" -infinitive -head / "il" -infinitive -would_lead 〕
ilustri (ilustr'i)
ilustr'i to illustrate (ilustr'i) ilustri (ilustr'i)
inkrust'i to encrust (encrust'i)
〔 some- "nkrust" -infinitive 〕 〔 "inkrust" -infinitive / not_on_the_outside- "krust" -infinitive 〕 〔 "inkr" -infinitive -potential_state / "ink" -infinitive -potential_state -head 〕
inkrusti (inkrust'i)
kud'ax gust'i could taste
〔 "kud" -present /+/ "gust" -infinitive 〕
perkus'i to slam (slam'i)
〔 "perkus" -infinitive / "perk" -infinitive -newbie / with- "kus" -infinitive 〕
perkusi (perkus'i)
pov'ax gust'i can taste
〔 "pov" -present /+/ "gust" -infinitive 〕
pov'ix gust'i was able to taste
〔 "pov" -past /+/ "gust" -infinitive 〕
pov'ox gust'i will be able to taste
〔 "pov" -future /+/ "gust" -infinitive 〕
pus'i to push (puc'i)
〔 "pus" -infinitive 〕
talus'i to slope (slop'i)
〔 "talus" -infinitive / "tal" -infinitive -newbie 〕
talusi (talus'i)
tus'i to cough (cuq'i)
〔 "tus" -infinitive 〕
tusi (tus'i)
tus'i to cough (cuq'i) tusi (tus'i)
ust'i to conditionally be
〔 "ust" -infinitive 〕
vol'ax gust'i want to taste
〔 "vol" -present /+/ "gust" -infinitive 〕
vol'int gust'i had been wanting to taste
〔 "vol" -active_past /+/ "gust" -infinitive 〕
vol'ix gust'i wanted to taste
〔 "vol" -past /+/ "gust" -infinitive 〕
vol'ont gust'i will be wanting to taste
〔 "vol" -active_future /+/ "gust" -infinitive 〕
vol'ox gust'i will want to taste
〔 "vol" -future /+/ "gust" -infinitive 〕
vol'unt gust'i would be wanting to taste
〔 "vol" -active_conditional /+/ "gust" -infinitive 〕
wil'ax gust'i will taste
〔 "wil" -present /+/ "gust" -infinitive 〕
wud'ax gust'i would taste
〔 "wud" -present /+/ "gust" -infinitive 〕
yust'i to be fair (yust'i)
〔 "yust" -infinitive 〕
〔 "afust" -substantive 〕 〔 "af" -substantive -potential_state 〕
afusto (afust'o)
anus'o anus (anus'o)
〔 "anus" -substantive / "an" -substantive -newbie 〕
anuso (anus'o)
arbust'o bush (buc'o)
〔 "arbust" -substantive 〕 〔 "arb" -substantive -potential_state 〕
arbusto (arbust'o)
awtobus'o bus (bus'o)
〔 "awtobus" -substantive / "awtob" -substantive -newbie 〕
aŭtobuso (awtobus'o)
blus'o blues (blues'o)
〔 "blus" -substantive 〕
bluso (blus'o)
brust'o chest (tcest'o)
〔 "brust" -substantive 〕
brusto (brust'o)
bus'o bus (bus'o)
〔 "bus" -substantive 〕
buso (bus'o)
bust'o bust (bust'o)
〔 "bust" -substantive 〕
busto (bust'o)
deklivtalus'o slope (slop'o)
〔 ten- "livtalus" -substantive / ten- "livtal" -substantive -newbie / ten- "livt" -substantive -newbie -reason / ten- third_person- "vtal" -substantive -newbie / ten- third_person- "vtalus" -substantive / ten- third_person- "vtal" -substantive -newbie 〕 〔 "deklivtalus" -substantive / "deklivtal" -substantive -newbie / "deklivt" -substantive -newbie -reason / of- "klivt" -substantive -newbie -reason / of- "klivtal" -substantive -newbie / of- "klivt" -substantive -newbie -reason / of- "klivtalus" -substantive / of- "klivtal" -substantive -newbie / of- "klivt" -substantive -newbie -reason 〕
deklivtaluso (deklivtalus'o)
djust'o taste (tast'o)
〔 "djust" -substantive 〕
flustr'o whisper (hwisper'o)
〔 "flustr" -substantive / "flust" -substantive -head 〕
flustro (flustr'o)
fokus'o focus (focus'o)
〔 "fokus" -substantive / "fok" -substantive -newbie 〕
fokuso (fokus'o)
fondus'o endowment (endowment'o)
〔 "fondus" -substantive / "fond" -substantive -newbie 〕
fonduso (fondus'o)
fondus'o foundation (fundation'o) fonduso (fondus'o)
fungus'o fungus (fungus'o)
〔 "fungus" -substantive / "fung" -substantive -newbie 〕
funguso (fungus'o)
globus'o globe (glob'o)
〔 "globus" -substantive / "glob" -substantive -newbie 〕
globuso (globus'o)
gust'o flavor (flavor'o)
〔 "gust" -substantive 〕
gusto (gust'o)
gust'o flavour (flavur'o) gusto (gust'o)
gust'o savour (savur'o) gusto (gust'o)
gust'o taste (tast'o) gusto (gust'o)
kalkulus'o calculus (calculus'o)
〔 "kalkulus" -substantive / "kalkul" -substantive -newbie / "kalk" -substantive -newbie -person 〕
kalkuluso (kalkulus'o)
kalkulus'o gallstone (gals'o) kalkuluso (kalkulus'o)
kalus'o callus (calus'o)
〔 "kalus" -substantive / "kal" -substantive -newbie 〕
kaluso (kalus'o)
konus'o cone (konus'o)
〔 "konus" -substantive / "kon" -substantive -newbie 〕
konuso (konus'o)
korpus'o corps (corps'o)
〔 "korpus" -substantive / "korp" -substantive -newbie 〕
korpuso (korpus'o)
korpuskl'o corpuscle (corpuscl'o)
〔 "korpuskl" -substantive 〕
korpusklo (korpuskl'o)
korus'o chorus (tcorus'o)
〔 "korus" -substantive / "kor" -substantive -newbie / "ko" -substantive -newbie -head 〕
koruso (korus'o)
krepusk'o dusk (dusk'o)
〔 "krepusk" -substantive 〕
krepusko (krepusk'o)
krust'o crust (crust'o)
〔 "krust" -substantive 〕
krusto (krust'o)
krust'o scab (scab'o) krusto (krust'o)
kusp'o cusp (cusp'o)
〔 "kusp" -substantive 〕
kuspo (kusp'o)
langust'o lobster (lobst'o)
〔 "langust" -substantive 〕 〔 "lang" -substantive -potential_state 〕
langusto (langust'o)
lokus'o locus (locus'o)
〔 "lokus" -substantive / "lok" -substantive -newbie 〕
lokuso (lokus'o)
lotus'o lotus (lotus'o)
〔 "lotus" -substantive / "lot" -substantive -newbie 〕
lotuso (lotus'o)
lustr'o chandelier (tcandelier'o)
〔 "lustr" -substantive / "lust" -substantive -head 〕
lustro (lustr'o)
malyust'o injustice (malyust'o)
〔 "malyust" -substantive / opposite_of- "yust" -substantive 〕 〔 "maly" -substantive -potential_state 〕
maljusto (malyust'o)
mamust'o monstrosity (monstrosit'o)
〔 "mamust" -substantive 〕 〔 "mam" -substantive -potential_state 〕
mamusto (mamust'o)
mayuskl'o capital (capital'o)
〔 "mayuskl" -substantive 〕
majusklo (majuskl'o)
mikrobus'o minibus (minibus'o)
〔 "mikrobus" -substantive / "mikrob" -substantive -newbie / first_person- "krob" -substantive -newbie / first_person- "krobus" -substantive / first_person- "krob" -substantive -newbie 〕
mikrobuso (mikrobus'o)
molusk'o mollusc (molusc'o)
〔 "molusk" -substantive 〕
molusko (molusk'o)
mus'o mouse (mus'o)
〔 "mus" -substantive 〕
muso (mus'o)
musk'o moss (mos'o)
〔 "musk" -substantive 〕
musko (musk'o)
obus'o round (rund'o)
〔 "obus" -substantive / "ob" -substantive -newbie 〕
obuso (obus'o)
obus'o shell (cel'o) obuso (obus'o)
perkus'o slam (slam'o)
〔 "perkus" -substantive / "perk" -substantive -newbie / with- "kus" -substantive 〕
perkuso (perkus'o)
plus'o surplus (plus'o)
〔 "plus" -substantive 〕
pluso (plus'o)
polus'o pole (pol'o)
〔 "polus" -substantive / "pol" -substantive -newbie / at_the_rate_of- "lus" -substantive 〕
poluso (polus'o)
postgust'o aftertaste (aftertast'o)
〔 "postgust" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- "stgust" -substantive / after- "gust" -substantive 〕 〔 "postg" -substantive -potential_state 〕
postgusto (postgust'o)
radius'o radius (radius'o)
〔 "radius" -substantive / "radi" -substantive -newbie 〕
radiuso (radius'o)
retrovirus'o retrovirus (retrovirus'o)
〔 "retrovirus" -substantive / "retrovir" -substantive -newbie / "retrovi" -substantive -newbie -head / "retrov" -substantive -newbie -opportunity / "retr" -substantive -newbie -opportunity -ready / "ret" -substantive -newbie -opportunity -ready -head 〕
retroviruso (retrovirus'o)
rubus'o blackberry (blakbery'o)
〔 "rubus" -substantive / "rub" -substantive -newbie 〕
rubuso (rubus'o)
rust'o oxide (oxid'o)
〔 "rust" -substantive 〕
rusto (rust'o)
rust'o rust (rust'o) rusto (rust'o)
sinus'o sinus (sin'o)
〔 "sinus" -substantive / "sin" -substantive -newbie / reflexive- "nus" -substantive 〕
sinuso (sinus'o)
status'o status (status'o)
〔 "status" -substantive / "stat" -substantive -newbie 〕
statuso (status'o)
talus'o bank (bank'o)
〔 "talus" -substantive / "tal" -substantive -newbie 〕
taluso (talus'o)
talus'o slope (slop'o) taluso (talus'o)
tcebrust'o bust (bust'o)
〔 "tcebrust" -substantive / at- "brust" -substantive 〕 〔 "tcebr" -substantive -potential_state / "tceb" -substantive -potential_state -head 〕
ĉebrusto (tcebrust'o)
tinus'o tuna (tun'o)
〔 "tinus" -substantive / "tin" -substantive -newbie / that- "nus" -substantive 〕
tinuso (tinus'o)
tonus'o tone (ton'o)
〔 "tonus" -substantive / "ton" -substantive -newbie 〕
tonuso (tonus'o)
traktus'o tract (tract'o)
〔 "traktus" -substantive / "trakt" -substantive -newbie / through- "ktus" -substantive 〕
traktuso (traktus'o)
trust'o monopoly (monopoly'o)
〔 "trust" -substantive 〕
trusto (trust'o)
tus'o cough (cuq'o)
〔 "tus" -substantive 〕
tuso (tus'o)
us'o newbie (newbi'o)
〔 "us" -substantive 〕
usm'o curiosity (curios'o)
〔 "usm" -substantive 〕
ust'o conditional state
〔 "ust" -substantive 〕
ust'o potential state
ustr'o potential leader
〔 "ustr" -substantive / "ust" -substantive -head 〕
virus'o virus (virus'o)
〔 "virus" -substantive / "vir" -substantive -newbie / "vi" -substantive -newbie -head / second_person- "rus" -substantive 〕
viruso (virus'o)
yust'o fairness (yust'o)
〔 "yust" -substantive 〕
yust'o justice (yust'o) (yust'o)
tus'u ought to cough
〔 "tus" -suggestive 〕
tus'u should cough
yust'u be fair (yust'u)
〔 "yust" -suggestive 〕
minus'aj minus (minus'aj)
〔 "minus" -conjunction / "min" -conjunction -newbie / first_person- "nus" -conjunction 〕 〔 "minus" -connective adjective / "min" -connective adjective -newbie / first_person- "nus" -connective adjective 〕
minus (minus'aj)
plus'aj plus (plus'aj)
〔 "plus" -conjunction 〕 〔 "plus" -connective adjective 〕
plus (plus'aj)
ustr'as would lead
〔 "ustr" -general_present / "ust" -general_present -head 〕
us'ant learning how
〔 "us" -active_present 〕
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, German, Lithuanian, Spanish, Esperanto.

Esper' English German Lithuanian Spanish Esperanto
cud' tus' should cough debe toser
dev' tus' must cough debe toser
minus' minus (minus') minusas (minusas') minus (minus')
plus' plus (plus') pliusas (pliusas') plus (plus')
djust'a right (riqt'a) exacta (eksact'a) ĝusta (djust'a)
fokus'a focal (focal'a) focal (focal'a) fokusa (fokus'a)
konus'a conical (konus'a) (konus'a) (konus'a) cónico (konus'a) konusa (konus'a)
musk'a mossy (mos'a) musgoso (musg'a)
polus'a polar (pol'a) polar (pol'a) polusa (polus'a)
radius'a radial (radial'a) radial (radi'a)
rebus'a convoluted (convoluted'a) complicado (complicad'a)
rust'a rusty (rust'a) oxidado (oksid'a) rusta (rust'a)
sinus'a sinusoidal (sin'a) sinusoidal (sin'a)
virus'a viruses (virus'a) (virus'a) (virus'a) virus (virus'a) (virus'a)
yust'a just (yust'a) (yust'a) (yust'a) feria (yust'a) justa (yust'a)
awtobus'e by bus en bus
djust'e precisely (precisely'e) correctamente (corectament'e) ĝuste (djust'e)
yust'e right (yust'e) (yust'e) (yust'e) derecho (yust'e) (yust'e)
cud'ax tus'i should cough debe toser
dev'ax tus'i must cough debe toser
flustr'i to whisper (hwisper'i) flüstern (fluster'i) susurro (susur'i) flustri (flustr'i)
fokus'i to focus (focus'i) enfoque (enfok'i)
ilustr'i to illustrate (ilustr'i) illustrieren (ilustrier'i) iliustruoti (iliustr'i) ilustrar (ilustr'i) ilustri (ilustr'i)
inkrust'i to encrust (encrust'i) embed (embed'i) inkrusti (inkrust'i)
pus'i to push (puc'i) empujar (empuh'i)
tus'i to cough (cuq'i) tos (tos'i) tusi (tus'i)
tus'i to cough (cuq'i) toser (tos'i) tusi (tus'i)
awtobus'o bus (bus'o) autobusas (autobusas'o) bus (bus'o) aŭtobuso (awtobus'o)
brust'o chest (tcest'o) Brust (brust'o) pecho (pet'o) brusto (brust'o)
bus'o bus (bus'o) bus (bus'o) buso (bus'o)
bust'o bust (bust'o) Büste (bust'o) biustas (biust'o) busto (bust'o)
djust'o taste (tast'o) gusto (gust'o)
flustr'o whisper (hwisper'o) susurro (susur'o) flustro (flustr'o)
fokus'o focus (focus'o) fokusas (fokusas'o) enfoque (enfok'o) fokuso (fokus'o)
konus'o cone (konus'o) (konus'o) (konus'o) cono (konus'o) konuso (konus'o)
krust'o crust (crust'o) corteza (cort'o) krusto (krust'o)
lotus'o lotus (lotus'o) lotosas (lotosas'o) loto (lot'o) lotuso (lotus'o)
lustr'o chandelier (tcandelier'o) araña (ar'o) lustro (lustr'o)
mus'o mouse (mus'o) Maus (maus'o) ratón (raton'o) muso (mus'o)
musk'o moss (mos'o) Moos (mos'o) musgo (musg'o) musko (musk'o)
polus'o pole (pol'o) polo (pol'o) poluso (polus'o)
radius'o radius (radius'o) Radius (radius'o) radiusas (radiusas'o) radio (radi'o) radiuso (radius'o)
rubus'o blackberry (blakbery'o) blackberry (blackbery'o) rubuso (rubus'o)
rust'o rust (rust'o) Rost (rost'o) óxido (oksid'o) rusto (rust'o)
sinus'o sinus (sin'o) Sinus (sinus'o) sinusas (sinusas'o) sine (sin'o) sinuso (sinus'o)
talus'o slope (slop'o) pendiente (pendient'o) taluso (talus'o)
tinus'o tuna (tun'o) Thun (thun'o) tunas (tunas'o) atún (atun'o) tinuso (tinus'o)
tus'o cough (cuq'o) tos (tos'o) tuso (tus'o)
virus'o virus (virus'o) (virus'o) virusas (virus'o) virus (virus'o) viruso (virus'o)
yust'o justice (yust'o) (yust'o) (yust'o) justicia (yust'o) (yust'o)
tus'u ought to cough debe toser
tus'u should cough debe toser
virus'oy (virus'oy)
〔 "virus" -plural substantive / "vir" -plural substantive -newbie / "vi" -plural substantive -newbie -head / second_person- "rus" -plural substantive 〕
(virus'oy) (virus'oy) viruses (virus'oy) (virus'oy)
virus'oyn (virus'oyn)
〔 "virus" -accusative_plural substantive / "vir" -accusative_plural substantive -newbie / "vi" -accusative_plural substantive -newbie -head / second_person- "rus" -accusative_plural substantive 〕
(virus'oyn) (virus'oyn) viruses (virus'oyn) (virus'oyn)
virus'oyz (virus'oyz)
〔 "virus" -nominative_plural substantive / "vir" -nominative_plural substantive -newbie / "vi" -nominative_plural substantive -newbie -head / second_person- "rus" -nominative_plural substantive 〕
(virus'oyz) (virus'oyz) viruses (virus'oyz) (virus'oyz)
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, French, Latin, Polish, Esperanto.

Esper' English French Latin Polish Esperanto
plus' plus (plus') plus (plus') plus (plus') plus (plus')
yust'a just (yust'a) juste (yust'a) justus (yust'a) (yust'a) justa (yust'a)
ilustr'i to illustrate (ilustr'i) illustrer (ilustrer'i) illustrare (ilustrar'i) ilustri (ilustr'i)
inkrust'i to encrust (encrust'i) incruster (incrust'i) incrustare (incrust'i) inkrusti (inkrust'i)
tus'i to cough (cuq'i) tousser (tous'i) tussire (tus'i) tusi (tus'i)
awtobus'o bus (bus'o) autobus (autobus'o) aŭtobuso (awtobus'o)
bust'o bust (bust'o) buste (bust'o) busto (bust'o)
gust'o taste (tast'o) gustus (gust'o) gusto (gust'o)
konus'o cone (konus'o) (konus'o) conus (konus'o) (konus'o) konuso (konus'o)
krust'o crust (crust'o) crusta (crust'o) krusto (krust'o)
lotus'o lotus (lotus'o) lotus (lotus'o) lotuso (lotus'o)
lustr'o chandelier (tcandelier'o) lustre (lustr'o) lustro (lustr'o)
mus'o mouse (mus'o) mus (mus'o) mysz (mysz'o) muso (mus'o)
musk'o moss (mos'o) mousse (mous'o) muscus (muscus'o) musko (musk'o)
polus'o pole (pol'o) polus (polus'o) poluso (polus'o)
radius'o radius (radius'o) radius (radius'o) radiuso (radius'o)
rubus'o blackberry (blakbery'o) rubus (rubus'o) rubuso (rubus'o)
sinus'o sinus (sin'o) sinus (sinus'o) sinuso (sinus'o)
talus'o slope (slop'o) talus (talus'o) taluso (talus'o)
tinus'o tuna (tun'o) thon (thon'o) thynnus (thynus'o) tuna (tun'o) tinuso (tinus'o)
virus'o virus (virus'o) (virus'o) virus (virus'o) (virus'o) viruso (virus'o)
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, Italian, Russian, Yiddish, Esperanto.

Esper' English Italian Russian Yiddish Esperanto
minus' minus (minus') минyс (myinys') minus (minus')
plus' plus (plus') плюс (рlys') plus (plus')
djust'a right (riqt'a) giusto (giust'a) ĝusta (djust'a)
ilustr'i to illustrate (ilustr'i) illustrare (ilustrar'i) иллюстрирoвать (yilystryir'i) ilustri (ilustr'i)
inkrust'i to encrust (encrust'i) incrostare (incrost'i) inkrusti (inkrust'i)
tus'i to cough (cuq'i) tossire (tos'i) tusi (tus'i)
afust'o affusto (afust'o) afusto (afust'o)
awtobus'o bus (bus'o) aвтoбyс (avtobys'o) aŭtobuso (awtobus'o)
brust'o chest (tcest'o) brust (brust'o) brusto (brust'o)
bust'o bust (bust'o) busto (bust'o) бюст (byst'o) busto (bust'o)
fokus'o focus (focus'o) фoкyс (fokys'o) fokuso (fokus'o)
gust'o taste (tast'o) gusto (gust'o) gusto (gust'o)
krust'o crust (crust'o) crosta (crost'o) krusto (krust'o)
lotus'o lotus (lotus'o) лoтoс (lotos'o) lotuso (lotus'o)
lustr'o chandelier (tcandelier'o) люстрa (lystra'o) lustro (lustr'o)
mus'o mouse (mus'o) мышь (myeruс'o) mojz (mojz'o) muso (mus'o)
musk'o moss (mos'o) musco (musc'o) мox (mox'o) musko (musk'o)
polus'o pole (pol'o) пoлюс (рolys'o) poluso (polus'o)
radius'o radius (radius'o) рaдиyс (radyiys'o) radiuso (radius'o)
sinus'o sinus (sin'o) синyс (syinys'o) sinuso (sinus'o)
tinus'o tuna (tun'o) tonno (ton'o) тyнeц (tynets'o) tinuso (tinus'o)