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Environmental community leisure

From Wikiversity

In the workplanning, some degree of leisure is foreseen. This would be done in order to promote positive social interaction and group spirit between all members (including those not part of one's own team), and provide further diversification.

The leisure may to include:

In addition, jobpooling (where certain people agree to switch low-tech and high-tech jobs at certain times) is also foreseen to keep the workers interested and sharp.

Dancing sessions

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As a form of active leisure, dancing is foreseen at a especially created space (preferably outdoors). Although it could be after the workday (late afternoon), it can also be in the mornings. The dancing location may be either a standalone music playing system or speakers connected to the education system computer. A dance instructor should be present. The instructor would be educated in all types of main dance styles (eg jig, waltz, tango, disco, salsa, electronica, hip-hop, breakdancing, Krumping, African dance). Also, the appropriate music would be available through the music playing system or speakers.

Digital gaming

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Digital gaming is to be included to provide the workers a type of leisure at times when they are tired and not keen on doing a more active form of leisure. Although this leisure system is somewhat harder to set up than the average card game, it is certainly to be preferred over a pack of cards as it is more internationally oriented and anyone (no matter where one came from) would be able to join in. The digital gaming may be done through the use of a special game-system connected to the projector already used in the education system. However, in order to mentally separate the game system from the education system (projector), the projector should only be controllable for the game system after it has physically switched location (by means of a rail system).

The rail system is to have 3 standpoints; one on which it is placed when using the education system with the projector; another railpoint when the games system is connected and board games are played (projector rather than beaming straight downwards; supports 2-16 players) and another when communal (minimum of 2 players) open-source or freeware, casual games, rts-games or 3rd person shooters are played (for 4 players). Security personnel are barred from these latter sources of entertainment, to eliminate distractions and uphold a responsible image. All games should have short game times and should be non-addictive; examples are the games from the playstation network (if made open-source) and party games.

The board games to be played should be global games. Examples of board games are thus pachisi, perakulatima, backgammon, caroms, senet, wari, choo-hong-ki, halma; asalto, ... The board games are to be controlled using a single microphone and voice recognition (understanding commands as "player 5; horse to C-8"), or alternatively trough a sensor (eg PS3 eye-toy). The game computer is to be self-contained; to eliminate the potential of corruption of the education computer, use read-only information (eg as with ps3/xbox, Wii ... game discs) and again mentally separate the education system from the game system.

Possible options are a open sourced game console (eg Uzebox) or pc with relatively fast graphics card (playing the open-sourced games via emulation).


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As the establishments need to be able to be placed anywhere (including more dangerous environments), and as the establishments are intended to be visited by workers travelling through these areas, yawara-jitsu (which is a gentle self-defence sport), is to be included as a form of leisure. Yawara-jitsu/aikido instructs the pupil in defending oneself by disabling attackers without permanently wounding them. Some techniques which are useful can be found at generic fighting style.


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Running can be done when one feels like it. It can be done alone or with friends. No group sessions will be organised.

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