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Electrical Engineering Orientation/Chemical Science Processes

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Wikiversity Electrical & Electronic Engineering Schools
The Lessons in

Important Notes & Instructions on Answering the questions

  • The multiple choice questions are meant to test overall knowledge and literacy on basic elementary Chemistry. Indepth Chemistry required for a particular Engineering field will be dealt with during undergraduate studies.
  • Only SI units are used in this questionaire
  • Select the most correct answer of the four possible answers to each question.
  • Attempt all questions before submitting to view your results.
  • Use of calculator allowed.

Lessons in Electric Engineering Orientation
Lesson #1:
Introduction to Electrical Engineering
Lesson #2:
Introduction to Electronic Engineering
Quiz Test 1:
Algebra and pre-calculus
Quiz Test 2:
Geometry and data representation
Quiz Test 3:
Physics Science laws
Quiz Test 4:
chemical Science Processes
Entrance Courses:
Introduction to Engineering Math- MATH 090 comming soon!
Science Aptitude test2: Questionaire


From above periodic table of elements, amongst other supplied detail of each element, is the Electronegativity strength indication. Which of the following statement correctly defines Electronegativity?

(A) A measure of the tendency of an atom to attract a bonding pair of electrons.
(B) A measure of the atomic Electrical potential.
(C) Electronegativity of an atom is related to it's mass.
(D) None of the above.


According to the Period table in question 1, Fluorine (F) is the most Electronegative element at 4.0. this means that...

(A) Fluorine forms only polar bonds.
(B) The bonding pair of electrons will be closer to the fluorine atom in a chemical bonding involving other atoms except another Fluorine atom.
(C) Fluorine forms only Pure-covalent bonds.
(D) Fluorine only forms ionic bonds.


Uranium is mainly used in nuclear power stations to produce electricity. Enriched 235U is preferred to 238U in nuclear reactors. Which of the following statements is true about 235U & 238U?

(A) 235U is more toxic than 238U.
(B) 235U is cheaper than 238U.
(C) 238U does not react in nuclear fission.
(D) 235U is an Isotope of 238U.


As an industrial application,a Zinc (Zn) layer is used to cover Iron (Fe) Hulls of big ocean liners. Which of the following statements is true about this application?

(A) Zinc protects Iron from corrosion by Oxidation.
(B) Zinc decreases building cost as it is cheaper than Iron.
(C) Zinc decreases the total weight as it is lighter than Iron.
(D) None of the above.


The following diagram shows a standard Zinc/Iron Electrochemical Cell.

Which electrode is a cathode in the above diagram?

(A) Zinc (Zn) electrode.
(B) Iron (Fe) electrode.
(C) both.
(D) none of the above.


Consider the following reaction of Hydrogen gas with Iodine gas to form Hydrogen Iodide gas, being at equilibrium.

The pressure is then increased at time t in the container at a constant temperature of 400°C?
Which of the following graphs represent the change in concentration of the three gases as a result of compression?



The melting point of two solids X and Y are 940°C and 925°C respectively. At temperature of 900°C, X conducts electricity but Y doesn't. At 950°C both conduct electricity. X & Y could be...

(A) X: Metallic Solid  ; Y: Ionic Solid
(B) X: Mollecular Solid  ; Y: Metallic Solid
(C) X: Ionic Solid  ; Y: Mollecular Solid
(D) X: Mollecular Solid  ; Y: Ionic Solid


The complete combustion of an alkane can be represented as follows:

alkane + O2  X + Y 

The products X and Y are ...

(A) X: Carbon  ; Y: Water.
(B) X: Carbon dioxide ; Y: Water.
(C) X: alkene  ; Y: Carbon dioxide.
(D) X: alkyne  ; Y: Water.


The volume of a certain mass of gas is 150dm3. The pressure of the gas is then halved at constant temperature. The volume of the gas will now be ...

(A) 75dm3.
(B) 150dm3.
(C) 300dm3.
(D) 600dm3.


In most HV & LV plant rooms, carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are installed in clearly visible and accessible locations. which of the following statements best describes how CO2 extinguishers work?

(A) CO2 is non-flammable thus it extinguishers fire.
(B) CO2 extinguishers fire by depleting Oxygen around fire.
(C) CO2 reduces atmospheric pressure to stop fire.
(D) CO2 fire extinguishers are not suitable for Electrical fires.

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