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Instructional design/Affective behaviors/A Comprehensive Approach to Character Development/Task Two Worksheet Answers

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Task Two Worksheet

1. List the six guidelines presented by Simonson and Maushak for effective design of attitude instruction.

  1. Make the instruction realistic, relevant, and technically stimulating
  2. Present new information
  3. Present persuasive messages in a credible manner
  4. Elicit purposeful emotional involvement
  5. Involve the learner in planning, production or delivery of the message
  6. Provide post-instruction discussion or critique opportunities

If you listed the six guidelines above, good job! If not, please review the additional design guidelines section again.

2. List the three key instructional approaches relating to the behavioral aspects of attitude learning presented by Smith and Ragan.

  1. Demonstration of the desired behavior by a respected role model
  2. Practice of the desired behavior, often through role playing
  3. Reinforcement of the desired behavior

If you listed the three instructional approaches above, good job! If not, please review the additional design guidelines section again.

3. Identify each of the strategies listed below as either being a classroom strategy or a schoolwide strategy by putting a C for classroom or S for schoolwide next to each strategy.

  • Develop students' caring beyond the classroom through exposure to altruistic role models and continuing opportunities for service (in face-to-face relationships) in their schools and communities. S
  • Teachers should respect and care about their students, set a good example, and provide directive moral guidance. C
  • Create a caring classroom community by helping students to know each other as persons; respect, care about, and affirm each other; and feel a valued member of the group. C
  • Help students develop moral reasoning, self-discipline, and respect for others. C
  • Involve students, through regular class meetings, in shared decision-making. C
  • Teach virtues through the curriculum by "mining" it for its moral potential. C
  • Recruit parents and the community as partners in character education. S
  • Use cooperative learning to give students regular practice on important social and moral competencies while learning academic material and to contribute to the development of a cohesive and caring classroom community. Students should regularly reflect on how well they cooperated, and should develop guidelines. C
  • Help students develop the "conscience of craft" (desire to do a good job), including self-discipline, persistence, dependability, diligence, and responsibility, by setting a good example, combining high expectations and high support, engaging all learners, and assigning regular and meaningful homework. C
  • Create a positive moral culture in the school by defining, modeling, teaching, and upholding the school's character expectations in all areas of school life. Participatory school democracy is a powerful tool for mobilizing the peer culture on the side of virtue. S
  • Teach students what the virtues are, how their habitual practice will lead to a more fulfilling life, and how each of us must take responsibility for developing our own character. C
  • Teach students how to resolve conflicts. C

If you identified the strategies above correctly as classroom or schoolwide, good job! If not, please review the strategies section again.

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