ACR/Life before Life

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Life before Life
When somebody scientifically talks about life than he usually refers to life on earth.
To recreate what has been before life on earth existed another approach needs to be taken. Here the approach is to assume a universe filled with single matter and build up from this stage to the very complicated stage of life today. You are invited to create your own version of evolution.
How to do it
Use the pointers below to start.
Use your common knowledge, your observation of the environment and its happenings and connect them together to a logical world which can actually exist.
Do not try to find scientific references, which follow a different path and are usually open ended.
Do not introduce mathematics here. Everything, what happens in life, could be explained through mathematics but cannot encompass all possibilities which happens in real life and is therefore only of specific use until life has been explained first.
Feel free to use known scientific terms for your equivalent meanings to provide some references for a better understanding. But rather give it another name if your meaning diverse too much (proves to be confusing) from the original.
The other articles of ACR have done just this and can be a comparison on what you could discover.

Starting points:
Movement is life
Matter provides the movement
Passed on movement is like passing on a meaning - communication
Matter provides the environment for other matter
The environment restricts the movement of matter it surrounds - applies pressure
Restricted moving matter shares its movement with other restricted matter
The combining of movements creates other matter forms - matter is growing
Grown matter moves in different forms
Different movements, passed on, communicate different meanings
The formation of different matter-forms is the reaction to the circumstances which is like learning
Learning is the fundament of intelligence
With the growing of matter the environment changes
As matter reacts to its changed environment it grows (adapts) in many forms and the intelligence grows with the matter.