User talk:U5180385

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My name is Phupisit Smittinet or you can call me Warm. I'm 2nd year student. ID 5180385 My account of wikiversity is u5180385

Home Work

    Cloud computing is a new way to do your work on the computer. It involves working, storing and
sharing information online. There are many differences in working with cloud computing when
compared to normal computing. To begin with, cloud computing gives u access to information
anytime, anywhere, and at any computer with just one condition, access to the internet. One great
thing about cloud computing is the constantly updated software online. This save time and give
the consumer the latest security, working and storing software. However because everything you do
is online, information can never be safe. Even with the latest window defender or kaspersky you
information can be hack. Furthermore, information that you store online can be physically damage
or lost if the actually tangible server is damage (which happens before).  Beside this, cloud
computing is extremely slow if your computer and internet is slow, so only stable infrastructure
are recommended. All in all, cloud computing can be a cheap way to share, work, and store
information if you daily use it.  
    This website is one good start to cloud computing. It is access to teacher which mean it
could be access to student. Because of information can be share, student could have a mutual
benefits of class note, information and interest on the website. Cloud computing isn't a hard
thing to do, but we just need many people to do it. What can a black berry messenger be with just
a phone? it is share server that matter. So join now?


Social network website HW

[edit source]

What is the site you selected? Â DIGG What is the site's purpose and why is it considered a web 2.0 site? Like any wedsite, Digg is a social website to fit the interest of the people inorder to bring their share interest together. After the first 5 minute of looking through, i can see that this website is quite user friendly with main topic that fits most people interest. what i mean by this is that the topic they focus on are topic that many people shares interest. For example game and technology. After that i went to look at "about digg" on the site and they said that their main objective is to bring the people blog to public to make people have fun. What is your favorite website and why? I will let the group decide, because for me who doesn't like sharing much blog or main stream, mi blog wont be famous. =)