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About me

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I am Gian (U3172958) from the University of Canberra I am creating a book chapter about the development of a Growth mindset. If you want to learn more about growth mindsets and how they are developed click the link to view my article. If you have any suggestions about how I could improve the article please leave it in the discussion on the growth mindset page.


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I am currently studying science in Psychology, I have also completed higher education in business and marketing. The most enjoyable areas of study for me are neurological psychology and organisational psychology.

Personal achievements

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  • Built an arcade machine
  • Won a national unicycling competition
  • Completed a certificate 3 in business administration

Social contributions

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  1. 06:06, 19 August 2019‎ Suggest study with negative findings for "Psychedelic treatment of addiction" Chapter
  2. 04:20, 31 August 2019 Added links throughout cannabis article
  3. 05:05, 31 August 2019 Edited headings to be sentence casing. Then to explain my edits added explanation of Wikiversity style headings copied from J Neil
  4. 05:33, 1 September 2019 Provided example of similarities between mastery mindsets and autotelic personalities as a potential to be incorporated into the chapter
  5. 05:03, 7 October 2019‎ Added definitions of intimate partner homicide with links to their wiki
  6. 05:34, 7 October 2019‎ edited to use more precise language and added internal links to more information
  7. 06:51, 8 October 2019 shared interesting ted talk using #emot19
  8. 07:23, 8 October 2019‎ added link
  9. 11:33, 9 October 2019‎ Updated DOI's to match current APA DOI display guidelines in Doomsday prepping motivation
  10. 11:42, 9 October 2019‎ Added advice on how to display doi's
  11. 11:47, 9 October 2019‎ Updated DOI's to match current APA DOI display guidelines in Gender transformation motivation
  12. 11:53, 9 October 2019‎ added DOI display guide lines
  13. 09:48; 10 October 2019 Responded to inquiry on the discussion form asking for helps with feature boxes
  14. 11:20, 10 October 2019‎ reviewed pathological lying page and added links in relevant places and corrected minor grammar errors
  15. 11:26, 10 October 2019 added feedback on how to improve the readability of pathological lying page
  16. 11:42, 10 October 2019 added missing DOI's in reference list
  17. 11:47, 10 October 2019 added information on how to include DOI's and how they should be formatted
  18. 15:09, 12 October 2019 Corrected student on how to correctly count words in discussion forum
  19. 20:16, 12 October 2019 Added detailed suggested structure for discussing psychedelics and emotion research due to lack of available research on the topic. With references to current studies which could be used.
  20. 21:10, 14 October 2019 Reviewed autotelic personality and corrected minor spelling errors, and added links where possible
  21. 21:15, 14 October 2019 Added feedback on APA in text referencing
  22. 12:00, 15 October 2019 Clarified information about word count
  23. 20:47, 15 October 2019 Made corrections in references, corrected italicisation, capitalisation and doi's
  24. 21:00, 16 October 2019 Reviewed bibliography added missing DOI's and volume numbers, corrected name display, capitalisation's, italics, and DOI displays
  25. 23:19, 17 October 2019 Added links throughout page, corrected minor spelling errors, reviewed and corrected formatting errors in references
  26. 15:16, 18 October 2019 Informed student of how to count words
  27. 22:07, 18 October 2019 Added links throughout page and corrected minor spelling and formatting error
  28. 22:23, 18 October 2019 Reviewed page and gave detailed feedback on writing style, document structure, APA formatting, and general progress
  29. 08:45, 19 October 2019 Deleted duplicate reference and corrected minor italicisation APA error
  30. 08:55, 19 October 2019 Added detailed feedback on page with comments on how to improve sunk cost fallacy page
  31. 09:45, 19 October 2019 Created flow chart to demonstrate the process of the Sunk Cost Fallacy
  32. 10:25. 19 October 2019 Deleted redundant link
  33. 11:59, 19 October 2019 Answered question on discussion forum regarding due date
  34. 05:18, 19 October 2019 Added detailed feedback on article with suggested improvements
  35. 04:11, 20 October 2019 Updated DOI's to match current APA DOI display guidelines
  36. 04:22, 20 October 2019 Corrected italicisation and capitalisation in references
  37. 04:27, 20 October 2019 Wished everyone goodluck with #emot19
  38. 04:39, 20 October 2019 Formatted quote
  39. 12:50, 27 October 2019 Reviewed reference list to match apa format. corrected capitalisation, italicisation and doi display errors