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[Homework assignment 3(Social Networking)/ due 7th May 2010, 11:59 pm]

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Social Networking Site Selected: Digg

  1. What is the site you selected?
     Ans: Because I like to read. Here I can read stories, diaries, tales, and more, from the wide-range of
          different types of people. 
  2. What is the site's purpose and why is it considered a web 2.0 site?
     Ans: The 1st site purpose is to offer you an oppotunity to share your stories to other online surfing people.
          The other purpose is for you to read stories from from other people with around the globe and vote whether
          you think it's good or otherwise.
          Because Web 2.0 has a category for Social-networking site. Since Digg is a Social Networking site, then it falls
          into a Web 2.0 type. In addition, its feature as an information sharing website also points out that is a Web 2.0 site.
  3. What is your favorite website and why 
     Ans: Wikipedia, because I strongly believe in the Free information sharing idea. That everyone has the right to share knowledge
          around the globe at no cost. I love and adore the strong sense of community work where people voluntarily spare their
          time to share information and knowledge. Wikipedia has proven more than I can describe to fall into the category of
          the above explained reason of why I like it. Thus, it is my favoite.

[Homework assignment 2/ due 1st May 2010, 11:59 pm]

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Intro about myself:

I like to play sports, whether it be soccer, basketball, jogging, or going to gym. Currently I'm the captain of MUIC Karate-Do club. I'm trying my best to organize and make the best of the club, especially this trimester.

I've just got a job about a month ago, teaching basic English to an 8th grade student. The pay is not so well, but I believe it's worth it because of the experience I'll gain.

I used to be addicted to computer games, but not so much anymore. The games I finished were Neverwinter Nights, Gothic 1&2, Star Wars: Knights of the old republic 1&2, and many other RTS, RPG, FPS, games. The thing about computer games is that it's not as bad and hazardous as an adult today might think. If applied correctly, one would find that parts of history, technology, science, mythology, philosophy, logics, rational thoughts, and much more, could be learned from playing games.

What I found out after I have seen 22 summers in Thailand is that, I have finally come to a point where I should act and behave with responsiblity. I have done things that I'm proud of and not. Finally now, no later, is the time to set things right. I should be planning my life, and follow through, to make the best possible out of it. And I enjoy living!


[Class assignment/26th April 2010]

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1. How is cloud computing different than using a normal computer?

Ans: In cloud computing, which the concept of allowing users to store and transfer data online is used, one do not need to own a physical device in order to work or use computer-related applications. But when using a normal computer, one has to store data on the machine, requiring the person to own a computer device/machine.

In doing so, also decreases the amount of expenditure, one does not need to own a physical machine, thus has no need to pay for it. The only payment the user needs to spend is on the web-database services fee.

Furthermore, by using cloud computing, the organizations or the cooperations who own the cloud computing servers would ensure that the applications, softwares, and services, are always up-to-date, thus the users do not need worry about the mentioned. Whereas in normal computing, the users have to worry about the versions and correctness of the applications, softwares, and services.

2. How to turn your classroom into cloud computing classroom?

Ans: In case of the MUIC classrooms, it not unlikely impossible, to turn a classroom into cloud computing classroom. My suggestions are that each of the classes could store the learning materials on the "cloud". These materials may include, but not limited to, class power point slides, in-class lecture papers, homework assignments, etc. The lecturers would take responsibility to ensure that the contents are always correct and up-to-date.

As a result, a student may download any material anywhere anytime. A student may also hands in his/her assignments anywhere anytime, allowing instant feedbacks from lecturers and peers(if made available).

In addition, doing so would save time for students and lecturers in the process of communication. Thus, a lecturer would take less time in grading assignments, and students take less time in finishing them; ultimately, this can cause an increase in efficiency and sufficiency for the whole faculty.

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