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My name is Ryan "Doogie" Ohlemeier.

I like long walks on the beach, and a nice pair of slacks.

Always Wanted To Timeline

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Making Money off of my Art.

Research Component
week 1

Sketched a lot and came up with a few T-Shirt designs. Dusted off my old graffiti stencils!!

week 2

Making a test shirt, Turned out Wicked Awesome!!.

week 3

Landed a Job designing the shirts for an Arkansas Rehab Center. Found a sweet mirror and a few blocks of wood in the dumpster, potential canvas?

week 4

Sprayed a few designs on muslin fabric, and found cardboard. Found out folklife is in a few weeks, planning on selling some pieces of 'Recycled Art'.

week 5

Stocked up on spray paint at Home Depot. Got in contact with Owner of the Rehab Center, sent him a few pictures of designs I have.

week 6

Gathered pieces of cardboard, selling a few originals and reprints. Thinking $5-$10 each?

week 7

Sold art at FOLKLIFE!!! Sold 8 out of 10 pieces I took down, got $55, and a killer sunburn.

week 8

continued making pieces of 'recycled art' for future festivals/street fairs. Started designing the shirts for the rehab center in arkansas.

Why Do I Like What I Like?

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I had been meaning to go to the sculpture park for quite some time, and this assignment gave me enough incentive to get off my lazy ass for an afternoon and head on over there.

So I head past the old spaghetti factory, and run into this fountain.... of a man.... and some boy.... just hanging out, naked.

I had found my subject.

The fountain acts like a snot-nosed 3rd grader, asking more questions then giving answers. Why are they naked? Is this reflecting some father-son bond, or the inner fantasy of someone who has a thing for kids?

The piece seems to have some importance, being at the entrance of the sculpture park, and I wanted to see if a weeks worth of time could point that importance out to me.

After a week of sore throat, runny nose, headache, and no cold and cough medicine in sight; I was ready to brave the few block walk down to the sculpture park.

All in all, I felt like I was overreacting the whole issue, the fountain's really not that bad. Its like you're part of someone else's "naked dream", trippy, yes; but tolerable.

Aesthetically, the figures on the fountain are realistically formed, with a Greco-Roman influenced base and pillars... Not the kind of art piece I'd personally want in my front lawn, but one I can respect for the sake of art.

Ryanohlemeier 10:29, 18 May 2009 (UTC)

How Am I Manipulated?

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Ryanohlemeier 21:30, 14 May 2009 (UTC)