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Introduction about myself

My full name is Risa Treeweranuwat. Everyone can call me Yelly, which means jelly but Thai people named it yelly. I am the first year and TIM student. I am friendly and easy going with other people. I feel exciting to study in this class and looking forward to study new information of computer and technology.

Classwork on April 26 (Group2)

How is cloud computing different than using a normal computer? - It is more convenient to use cloud computing than using a normal computer because it is easier to manage all the information and document. We can be anywhere in the world by uploading our data into the cloud computing on the Internet. Moreover, we don't have to fix the website when it has problems. Also, it is the duty of the webmaster to deal with it. Therefore, we don't have to worry about the data lost, because the cloud computing can still remain our data on the Internet. It likes we have our own address which follow us everywhere. On the other hand, when we use a normal computer, we have to concern that our data may get lost or the flash drive will be forgotten.

How could you turn a classroom into a cloud computing classroom? - It is easy to turn a classroom into a cloud computing classroom. A cloud computing classroom is like the e-learning, which we can study and learn by not going to the classroom. We can get the knowledge as same as we study in class. It likes we use the website wikiversity to connect between instructor and students. The instructor can post all the lessons, homework, syllabus, and so forth. Then, the students who use the cloud computing anywhere can learn by surfingm the specific website of the subjects. Students ans instructors don't have to go to class. It is very convenient for both of them. For example, we don't have to wake up in the morning to get dress and go to class. We just sit in the front of computer and study everything on the website.

Social Networking 1. What is the site you selected? - I selected the site 2. What is the site's purpose and why is it considered a web 2.0 site? - The purpose of the site is sharing music via the website for people who like music. And it is considered a web 2.0 site because it is the site that open wide for sharing from any social networking, and make to be the network for sharing data for members of the site. 3. What is your favorite website and why? - My favorite website is It is the file sharing website, which anyone can upload files and download them for free. I like it because I can download songs or games for my iPhone and sharing them with my friends.

What is the best smart phone operating system and why? - iPhone 4 because it has Apple's A4 microprocessor, a 5 megapixel camera featuring HD video-recording, a front facing camera for FaceTime video conferencing over Wi-Fi, and the renamed iOS 4 mobile operating system, which iOS is a mobile operating system. It was named as iPhone OS and developed Apple Inc. iPhone 4 has many newer functions, which called multitasking, such as Background audio, Voice over IP, Background location, Push notifications, Local notifications, Task finishing, and Fast app switching.

Best PC in the World - Dell Alienware Area-51® ALX Desktop because it has the highest overclocked CPUs. Overclocked Intel® CoreTM i7 975 3.86GHz (8MB Cache) Extreme Edition Quad Core Processor is the most powerful chip. Memory is from 6GB up to 12GB. The video card is "Dual 1.8GB NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 2952 - SLI® Enabled". Storage drives capacity is 1.5TB. It also has a Blu-ray Disc Burner.