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Kaiti Primrose

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Quick facts

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  • 22 years old
  • Female
  • Canberra born and raised
  • Full-time shift worker, studying on the side

Personal facts

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  • Massive, massive fan of the colour pink
  • Physically, like to keep very active. At any given time, training for: Football, AFL, Ultra-Marathons (50km trail), or Futsal. Also attend weight-lifting sessions upwards of 4 times a week
  • Frequent Traveller: Averaging 3, or a combined 8-10 weeks, of international adventures a year

Education facts

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  • 2014- Graduated Canberra College
  • 2015- Finished CIT with a Certificate III and IV in Fitness
  • 2016- Started University of Canberra (Bachelor in Secondary Education: HPE, with a Major in Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • 2018- After first semester, deferred to settle into a full time roll as a shift worker for the ACT Government
  • 2019- Return to UC to fit study in around shit work

Units studying

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Book chapter

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  1. Motivation and emotion/Book/2019/Relationship commitment phobia

Social contributions

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  1. 10.24(UTC), 28 August, provided feedback on topic development "Stalking motivation" with the title "Topic Development Feedback"
  2. 06.52(UTC), 17 October, provided feedback on book chapter "Phobias" with the title "A thankful feedback".
  3. 08.20(UTC), 17 October, provided feedback on book chapter "Mother-child emotion talk" with the title "Feedback near due date".
  4. 10.12am, 17 October, posted a tweet "#motivationandemotion is definitely the most demanding and in-depth unit I’ve had to study so far. If anything, at least it’s helping with my ICT skills, learning how to use #wikiversity.. not long until the major assignment is due. #emot19"
  5. 12.10am, 17 October, commented on a tweet posted by a fellow student "I needed this. I'm feeling stressed and definitely not motivated to finish the semester haha
  6. 4.42pm, 17 October, replied to a post on the unit discussion forum on how to enter a "case study" box into the chapter page.
  7. 10.58am, 20 October, replied to a comment by Laura on the unit discussion forum on how to enter a Quiz into the chapter page.
  8. 01.01am(UTC), 20 October, provided feedback on book chapter "Stalking motivation" with the title "Book Chapter Final Feedback".
  9. 12.14, 20 October, posted on the unit discussion forum "A quick good luck".