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Hello! Mr.Brian

 My name is Jordan lin. This my last tri-mester of year one. I am going to move up to the core courses starting from next
tri-mester. My favorite sport is basketball. The reason why i am in this course is because i see the importance of computer in
the future. Therefore, i think i should at least have the basic knowledge of how computer works.

Thank you very much and enjoy your day

1. What is the site you selected?
2. What is the site's purpose and why is it considered a web 2.0 site?
You are able to come up with your own music play list. Moreover, You are able to share those passion to other people. Web2.0 is one of the social net working website, it allows you to obtain information from the website. which for means that the website allows people to interact with each other.
3. What is your favorite website and why? is my favorite website. It allows people to download and upload music through the website fast. It is a convenient website if you want to download or upload any type of musics.