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Bloom Clock Addict

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Yes, I admit it. I am addicted to the Bloom Clock Project. It all started in the middle of the summer in 2007. I was working on writing answers for the Pathfinders Flowers Honor over on Wikibooks when I stumbled across some Boneset. The Commons did not have a photo of this particular plant, so I took one and uploaded it. This did not escape the notice of our good friend, and he invited me to join the project. I had no idea.

Are you a Bloom Clock Addict? Here are some signs:

  • You go to an amusement park with your family, and the most exciting moment is when you spy some Stellaria media in bloom.
  • You're the only one at the amusement park photographing weeds.
  • You're always looking at the ground scanning from side to side when you walk outside.
  • You have taken more photos of Trientalis borealis than of your kids.
  • Your friends and co-workers come to you for plant identification.
  • Someone asks you the identity of a plant and you can recall its binomial name, but not its common name.
  • You don't go out to lunch with "the gang" because they're going to a restaurant that has uninteresting plant life along the way.
  • You can tell the difference between Acer saccharum and Acer saccharinum at a glance.
  • You get excited when you see your first Taraxacum officinale of the spring.
  • Someone asks you the date and you tell them it's the second of {{bcpm/nhamp/6}}.
  • You mow around the Trifolium pratense in your yard.
  • You grieve when you accidentally mow over the Houstonia caerulea that "volunteered" in your yard.
  • You no longer recognize any native plant as a weed.
  • You see a perfectly manicured lawn and note to yourself that it is an "utterly boring monoculture." Yawn.
  • You let Toxicodendron radicans grow near the edge of the yard so you can observe its bloom cycle.
  • You schedule no social activities at the end of each month so you can look for newly opened blossoms (they get logged for that month).
  • You schedule no social activities at the beginning of each month so you can look for blossoms that are still open, but finishing up (they get logged for the new month).
  • You can name half a dozen plants with green flowers.
  • You keep at least one flora in the bathroom.
  • When you're too busy to log, you take lots of photos so you can go back and enter data during the winter.
  • After your friends ask about your family, they ask how the bloom clock is coming along.

New-to-me Plants

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