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English Composition

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Statement of Intent

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I intend to write several character studies from a television show that I obsess over. I plan to write a page-page and a half a week and cover a fair amount of depth with them. I want to be able to explain the person and have the character speak for itself while also displaying my own style of writing, and, hopefully, my skill. As these characters are very dear to me and I take them very seriously, I will do my best and make use of my considerable knowledge of them to bring them to life to an ausiance, that I will assume, has no previous understanding of them. I want everything in my studies to be clear and understandable, easy to fall into, avoiding techinical speak and assumptions.


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I want to create around six character profiles, in depth, about five-six pages each, depending on which character I'm currently doing. Some may be longer, others shorter.


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I hope to gain a better understanding of the ins-and-outs of English/writing, of the small details.


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<Required: Posted at Wikiversity. Options: Zine, recording, or publication.>


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<Build a realistic order of events.>

  • week 2
  • week 3
  • week 4
  • etc.

Anticipated Problems

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I may misjudge the amount of information I wish to go into and deal with. There may be more than I anticipate. Also, I may end up digging in too far into a particular subject, excluding others, etc.

Week 6 Project Review

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<Write a 200-word assessment of your project thus far.>

Not so good. My second half of the character study was without an aim or a goal, so it unconsciously turned into a summary. Had I realized that at the time, I would have made it a lot better, as I am actually good at writing summaries. Unfortunately, I didn’t and it was well below my capabilities. As that was not my intended direction, I’m going to switch characters and move on and try to find my way again. I’m fairly sure of my goal, so it should turn out better than the first did.

Reader's Report

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<What you read, and what was important to you about it. 100-200 words.>

I read lots of fanfiction of the TV show and its characters therein. Daily. This occurs on the internet, as there are no published, available books on these subjects as much as I wish there were. Usually revolving around the character of Mr. Gray in my first study guide as he is my favorite. I love to look at all the other writers' thoughts and ideas in fiction writing. Its so very inspiring to me, some are truly breathtaking. It is also benificial to me, as a writer, who also roleplays in her spare time with this same show and character sets. I use it to explore other people's imaginations and bring about different ideas in my own writing from their example.


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<Post your completed project here, neatly formatted.>

Example of a subpage

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character study #1

character study #2

character study #3

character study #4