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Latest News and Such

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Ah, Literature class is now over, I'm sad to say. But this doesn't mean I'll be destroying this page (not that I could if I tried, with the magic of the backup history saves...)

What it does mean is that I'll be overhauling my little area of wikispace. Reorganizing and so forth.

Worry not, I will also be adding updates and other stories.

So please, relax, pick a short story to read, and enjoy your visit.

CarrieBerg 23:15, 3 September 2011 (UTC)

There are many things I could put here... far too many. And so I will try to keep my meandering words on topic, and hopefully, short.

I have graduated from the Art Institute of Seattle with a Bachelors degree in Game Art and Design.

I have two prior BA degrees, one in Anthropology and one in History.

I have a personal goal of reading over 100 books each year.

2008 - 113

2009 - 99

2010 - 99

2011 ~ 130 (and I still have 4 months left!)

I read horribly written books, not to inflict pain on myself, but to see what the author did wrong, so that I won't make the author's mistakes.

I love writing as much as I love reading. I write poetry, short stories, and essays. Yes, I'm strange and love to write essays... though writing fiction (with a comedic twist) is my true love.

I am currently discovering the wonders of space operas, but I also enjoy a good many other genres.

When I read, I become the main character; so if I cannot relate to the character, I will not enjoy the book.

And I believe that sums up all the information important to this page.

Latest Writings a.k.a. What I'm Currently Working On

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This is a favorite rant of mine... done humorously, of course (I can't even take my rants seriously!)

Work in progress: How_To_Kill_A_Perfectly_Good_Story

Literature Class Writings

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Here is where I moved my stuff from my Literature class.


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In the style of Oulipo. No two pieces have the same restriction. See if you can find what they are:




In the style of the author Patricia McKillip:



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Sequel/Prequel & Perspective

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This story falls under two headings: Sequel/Prequel and Perspective. I don't know if I can use it for both (it is way over 600 words... so it could count for both based on word count) but I'll leave that for Steve to decide. - Steve has spoken! And lo, the two categories have merged to become a supercategory!



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Heh, originally I was going to write nothing here. But well... writing cannot be denied:



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The Wife of Bath's Tale, from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. The version I will be using is from The Riverside Chaucer, a gloriously large book that contains all of Chaucer's works, AND a splendid Middle English dictionary in the back.

Mind you, I'm not memorizing the whole tale, though I could retell the whole thing by heart not in Middle English (as well as tell the moral of the story, why Chaucer supposedly wrote it, how it is like other tales, and how it falls under the category of the "loathy lady" in folklore...)

Instead, I'll just be reading the first page/page-and-a-half of the tale... Here's what I'll be memorizing:


Self Assessment

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Other Points of Interest

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I love to make lists! It's a reflection of my lawful (as opposed to chaotic) nature. In case you don't get the gamer reference: I follow order, not chaos.

Need a word? Try these:


Other Writings From the Past

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This isn't required, but I thought I'd add a place where I can post some of my favorite things that I have written. Who knows, maybe somebody else will even read them...


Style from the past - my very own Canterbury Tale:


Now, here's some good dialogue! A very Canterbury play:


It is almost a tradition. Each time the seasons change, I like to write a little something to celebrate. Here is my 2006 bit for Autumn in the Emerald City (a.k.a, Seattle).



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Here are some of my short stories.




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I write more poems than anything else... not that they are great poems, but they are fun to write. I happen to enjoy rhyming words. They range from newest to oldest.

Hummingbird_Visions 2008 - Ah! To see a hummingbird!

The_Wanderer's_Dance 2007 - The word "planet" means "wanderer" in Greek (to give you a hint...)

Flowers_Of_Spring 2006 - A tribute to spring, specifically spring in Madison, but it works for anywhere there are flowering trees.

A_Lonely_City 2006

Archaeology 2006

The_Journey 2006 - Fun with metaphors.

The_Weather_Debate 2005 - A humorous look at a particularly violent, yet short thunderstorm...

Daydreaming 2004 - A whimsical little poem.

Last_Waltz 2004 - This is meant to be sung - I just haven't gotten around to writing the sheet music for it yet... (if ever). This is also an ekphrastic piece: I wrote it after looking at a beautiful painting of a lady in red dancing with a robed skeleton (the traditional representation of death). The painting was also named Last Waltz.

Peppermint_Dreams 2002 - A humorous song. Again, I haven't bothered to write down how it is supposed to sound.

Intertwining_Trees 2001 - This was written for two trees in the back yard of my childhood.

Roses_In_The_Silence 2000 - A poem dedicated to a darker version of Sleeping Beauty.

Ephemeral_Reveries 2000 - revised 2008, a funny story about how I came up with this poem. My sister had some English vocabulary words, two of which were "ephemeral" and "reverie" and she had called me into the room to explain what they meant. My brain took it from there... Illustrated in 2008.