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User:Dzonatas/Ethics and MediaWiki/Use cases

From Wikiversity

A use case is a means of generalization limited by descriptions of a system and actors and how they operate together. It does not have to be in a specific format as prescribed by technology standards. It also does not have to justify all the potential reasons for itself, as it is descriptive rather than prescriptive. Use cases can be easily related to other conditions, suggestions, or processes, which can then create an inference used for prescriptive means.

Feel free to add a use case below.

OpenID at Wikimedia: account.openid.wikimedia.org

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  • MediaWiki software allows OpenID accounts[1]
  • Wikimedia is (or becomes) an OpenID provider: "openid.wikimedia.org"[2]
  • Actor Bob is a user/editor of Wikipedia and an employee of Wikimedia

Scenario: Wikimedia-OpenID login steps

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  • Bob clicks on "login / create account" on Wikipedia
  • MediaWiki prompts Bob for his openid
  • Bob enters "bob.openid.wikimedia.org" at Wikipedia
  • MediaWiki forwards the login request to openid.wikimedia.org to request authorization
  • Bob enters password at openid.wikimedia.org
  • Authorization occurs and the result is forwarded back to Wikipedia
  • Bob is now logged in at Wikipedia

Scenario: Wikimedia-OpenID verification steps to edit a protected page

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  • Bob trys to edit a page at Wikipedia that only Wikimedia employees can edit
  • MediaWiki querys an attribute at bob.openid.wikimedia.org for verification to allow Bob to perform the edit
  • openid.wikimedia.org provides attributes on accounts, and one to recognize Wikimedia employees[3]
  • bob.openid.wikimedia.org returns true that Bob is an employee of Wikimedia
  • MediaWiki then allows Bob to perform the edit

Scenario: Wikimedia-OpenID CheckUser result for Wikimedia employee

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  • A CheckUser is performed on Bob at Wikipedia
  • MediaWiki querys for an attribute at bob.openid.wikimedia.org
  • bob.openid.wikimedia.org returns true that Bob is an employee of Wikimedia
  • Wikipedia's CheckUser result includes that Bob is a Wikimedia employee

System developments

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OpenID-enabled reverse proxy (Web 3.0)

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  • #OpenID at Wikimedia: account.openid.wikimedia.org
  • proxy.wikimedia.org: A reverse proxy, like Squid, that allows log-in through OpenID
  • Bob's web browser has his web-proxy set to proxy.wikimedia.org
  • password: a traditional password or secure certificate, primary or secondary

Scenario: complete login through reverse proxy to Wikipedia (expanded)

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  • Bob is completely logged-out
  • Bob opens Wikipedia in web-browser
  • request is routed through proxy.wikimedia.org
  • proxy.wikimedia.org requests login to use proxy
  • Bob enters openid account name: bob.openid.wikimedia.org
  • proxy.wikimedia.org forwards the login request (with/without proxy) to openid.wikimedia.org to request authorization
  • Bob enters password at openid.wikimedia.org
  • Authorization occurs and the result is returned/forwarded back to proxy.wikimedia.org
  • Bob now logins to Wikipedia through proxy.wikimedia.org
  • Steps continue the same as: #Scenario: Wikimedia-OpenID login steps

Scenario: automated proxy login to Wikipedia

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  • Bob is already logged into proxy.wikimedia.org, but not logged-in to Wikipedia
  • Bob opens Wikipedia in web-browser
  • request is routed through proxy.wikimedia.org
  • proxy.wikimedia.org requests proxy login at Wikipedia
  • Wikipedia forwards the proxy login request to openid.wikimedia.org to request authorization (automated)
  • openid.wikimedia.org requests proxy.wikimedia.org for Bob's password (automated)
  • proxy.wikipedia.org replies to request (automated)
  • openid.wikimedia.org authorizes the proxy login and returns/forwards back to Wikipedia (automated)
  • Bob is now logged in at Wikipedia

Note: Repeat same steps to log-in to all wikimedia wikis

Scenario: anonymity by reverse proxy

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  • Bob is logged into proxy.wikimedia.org
  • Bob opens Wikipedia in web-browser, but stays logged-out of Wikipedia (to edit by "anonymous IP")
  • Bob edits a page in Wikipedia, signs it with tildes, and saves it
  • Wikipedia substitutes the tilde signature as the IP of proxy.wikimedia.org

Note: Further verification steps can be added to this scenario as similar to #Scenario: Wikimedia-OpenID verification steps to edit a protected page

New use case here

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  1. http://wiki.openid.net/index.php?title=Special:OpenIDLogin&returnto=Main_Page
  2. http://wiki.openid.net/Run_your_own_identity_server
  3. http://openid.net/specs/openid-attribute-exchange-1_0.html


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