Udayana University

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Template:Morefootnotes Template:Infobox University Udayana University is a public university in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. It was established on September 29, 1962. Its current rector is Dr. dr. I Made Bakta, SpPD (KHOM).


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Udayana University was established by the Act of Minister of Higher Education Republic of Indonesia No.104/1962, on 9th of Agustus 1962. It was after being an initial period as part of Airlangga University since 29 September 1958. So that making it the first university to be established in Bali Province. With 4 courses in 1962, Udayana University has developed a wide range of courses in Arts and Literatures, Medical Sciences, Law, Economy, Engineering, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Veterinary Sciences, Agricultural Technology, Tourism Studies and Social and Political Sciences.

About Udayana University

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Udayana University (Template:Lang-id) is the oldest and the largest public university in Bali and a major centre for university graduates from throughout the Indonesia and one of a nationally and internationally distinguished institution of higher education. The University is currently home to over 19,000 students-10% of which are postgraduates.

In 2006 – 2007, The Udayana University confirmed its position as leading university in Indonesia among “50 Promising Universities” published by the government. In 2008, Udayana University continues to be the University of Choices for Bali and increasingly the nation’s, based on a survey carried out by a national magazine “Tempo” which ranked the Udayana University among 15 most favorite universities in Indonesia. In 2009, Udayana University has also reached top 11 universities in Indonesia and rank 3450 webomatrics (June 2009). Udayana University is committed to produce highly employable graduates and researchers of the highest quality possible. In both its teaching and research, the University has strong links with local and international institutions, including government bodies, business, industries, and the professional organizations. The Udayana University undertakes innovative research projects in the field of biotechnology and biosciences, medical sciences and social sciences. Udayana University is fortunate in its location. Bali, a well-known tourist destination with population of 3.5 millions, has been named one of the best island to visit in the world. It should be a very comfortable place for study.

Why Study at Udayana University? Udayana University (Unud) offers excellent opportunities for study and research at many levels; diploma, undergraduate, master and doctorate programs. Students are able to pursue through both coursework and research program.

Experience of Unique Culture Bali is unique because of its tourism and hospitality industries are stronger compared to those in other regions in Indonesia. Its beautiful scenery, its people, its culture and traditions have made Bali popular for decades. A perfect combination of well-known Balinese culture and its rich diversity of peoples provide a dynamic learning environment, which will in turn stimulate creativity and innovation.

Extensive Choices of Subjects As a leading university, Udayana University offers exciting opportunities for more than 100 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, with expert and specialist staffs and researchers with global reputation.

Study Part-Time Our programs allow the students for studying part time while on employment.

Study Skills Udayana University believes in its potential in developing independent, creative and analytical thinking but remains committed in practicing their existing indigenous knowledge. To assist the students in their studies, Udayana University offers qualified academic staffs, quality library, modern laboratories, computer, and internet access and other technologies relevant to the students’ courses.


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The university has 11 faculties:

  1. School of Letter
  2. School of Medicine
  3. School of Law
  4. School of Engineering
  5. School of Agriculture
  1. School of Ranch
  2. School of Mathematic and Natural Sciences
  3. School of Animal Medicine
  4. School of Economics
  5. School of Agricultural Technology
  6. School of Tourism

Symbol and Attribute

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Udayana University Logo named Widya Cakra Pawartana which in Bali culture means the rotation wheel science based on pancasila (Indonesian basic static). The meaning of the symbols are:

  • Tangible a circle that has a wheel "cakra", in the middle there is padma (lotus) with eight pieces of leaf which symbolizes the eight corners of the wind, which symbolizes the sanctity of God Almighty based of first principle of Pancasila.
  • The wheel "cakra" has four fingers symbolizing strength iron from the four principles of Pancasila.
  • The outside of the circle radius of the wheels are decorated with 54 (fifty four) as points ratna jewel in accordance with a given set of Udayana science.
  • The color is golden yellow emblem Udayana University with a blue base color. Golden yellow color symbolizes the rising sun and the blue color symbolizes the sky.

Udayana's University flag rectangular with a ratio of 3 (three) vs. 2 (two) basic color blue, in the middle there is a colored symbol Unud golden yellow.

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  • School of Letter , the color is white.
  • School of Medicine, the color is green.
  • School of Law, the color is red.
  • School of Engineering, the color is black.
  • School of Economics, the color is orange.
  • School of Agriculture, the color is chocolate.
  • School of Ranch, the color is purple.
  • School of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, the color is silver.
  • School of Animal Medicine, the color is lilac.
  • School of Agricultural Technology, the color is verdant.
  • School of Tourism, the color is pink.
  • School of Peace and Democracy, the color is maroon.
  • Post Graduate, the color is blue.

Campus Site

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Nias Campus

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Jl. Nias was the original campus of Udayana University which was established in 1958. The most opulent of this campus is the fabulous statue of Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge, a monument to love science and technology. It is now home for Faculty of Letters and and Postgraduate Programs (Master and Doctorate) of Cultural Studies.

Sudirman Campus

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Sudirman campus is in the heart of Denpasar, located within easy distance of major sights of the city. It is home for Postgraduate Programs and Medical Sciences Faculty. The early days of the campus saw field of Palm trees planted along the front corridor, so that making the campus known as “Campus of Palm” or in Bahasa called “Kampus Palma”.

The campus has grown in number and facilities. This includes GDLN, an information and communication technology facilities to assist with our work and strengthen the connections with. which allows all university member to access distance tutorial and conference

Bukit Jimbaran Campus

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Udayana University has 3 campuses. The main campus, Bukit Jimbaran,built in 1986 located at 25 kilometers to the south of Denpasar, is relatively new campus which is set in a large complex and designed like a town. Facilities include health clinic, university library, sport centre, post office, guesthouse and university housing. International Hospital, shopping centre, lake and leisure facilities are being made available soon. The facilities are available to everyone in the university community and also, where applicable, to the broader community. The campus is close to Ngurah Rai International Airport, only 10 minutes drive from the airport and major tourism sites of Kuta and Nusa Dua. left

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