Scatterplot correlation guess
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Get to know the direction and size of different correlational values.
These online exercises involve guessing the product-moment correlation for various scatterplots . This helps to improve intuitive understanding of the correspondence between scatterplots and correlations. To get started, try out Correlation explore and then, when you're ready, try Correlation guess :
Correlation explore - explore scatterplots with .1 increments
Correlation guess - guess 30 scatterplots with .1 increments
> 14 / 30 (outstanding)
11 - 14 / 30 (very well done)
8 - 10 / 30 (solid effort)
5 - 7 / 30 (you're getting there)
< 5 / 30 (more practice needed)
For some similar, alternative exercises try:
Correlation explore
Simulate scatterplots for any correlation with sample sizes up to 100
Guessing correlations
4 scatterplot matching to correlations multiple choice exercises
try to average over 75%
Guess the correlation (requires java)
single scatterplot, guess exact correlation
try to get within .1
Guessing correlations ( (requires java)
Guess the correlation for each scatterplot from the 5 options, then click new data - after some practice, you should be able to get 100%