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Spanish 1/Food & Drink

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Chapter 6 (Food & Drink)(Comidas y bebidas)

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Breakfast / El desayuno

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  • desayuno - breakfast
  • para el desayuno - for breakfast
  • cereales - cereal
  • huevos - eggs
  • pan - bread
  • pan dulce - sweet bread
  • tostadas - toast
  • mantequilla - butter
  • plátano - banana
  • salchicha - sausage
  • tocino - bacon
  • yogur - yogurt
  • papas - potatoes
  • aguacate - avocado
  • queso - cheese
  • queso crema - cream cheese

Lunch / El almuerzo

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  • para el almuerzo - for lunch
  • ensalada - salad
  • ensalada de frutas - fruit salad
  • galletas dulces - cookies
  • galletas saladas - crackers
  • hamburguesa - hamburger
  • jamón - ham
  • fresas - strawberries
  • manzana - apple
  • naranja - orange
  • bistec - steak
  • papas fritas - french fries
  • perro caliente - hot dog
  • pizza - pizza
  • queso - cheese
  • sándwich/emparedado - sandwich
  • sándwich de jamón y queso - ham and cheese sandwich
  • tarta - cake
  • bocadillo - sandwich
  • sopa de verduras - vegetable soup
  • arroz - rice


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  • bebidas - drinks
  • agua - water
  • cerveza - beer
  • vino - wine
  • café - coffee
  • zumo de manzana - apple juice
  • zumo de naranja - orange juice
  • leche - milk
  • limonada - lemonade
  • refresco - soft drink
  • - tea
  • té (frío) helado - iced tea
  • ponche de frutas - fruit punch
  • chocolate caliente - hot chocolate
  • coca cola - Coca Cola

Dining terms

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  • beber - to drink
  • comer - to eat
  • comida - food, meal
  • compartir - to share
  • nunca - never
  • siempre - always
  • todos los días - everyday

Expressing desire and preference

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  • Me/te encanta el/la ... - I/you love ... (singular)
  • Me/te encantan los/las ... - I/you love ... (plural)
  • Me/te gusta el/la ... - I/you like ... (singular)
  • Me/te gustan los/las ... - I/you like ... (plural)

Note: Use the plural forms when you talk about more than one thing, for example, Me gustan las papas fritas. An example of a singular sentence is, Me gusta la manzana.

Preferir (to prefer)

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Preferir changes form a little differently than other -ir verbs. In preferir, the second e changes to ie, except in the nosotros(as) and vosotros(as) forms. Below is the conjugation for preferir:

  • prefiero - I prefer
  • prefieres - you prefer (singular)
  • prefiere - he/she prefers
  • preferimos - we prefer
  • preferís - you prefer (plural)
  • prefieren - they prefer

Note: Remember? Usted & ustedes conjugate in the 3rd person form.

Querer (to want)

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Querer changes form a little differently than other -er verbs. In querer, the first e changes to ie, except in the nosotros(as) and vosotros(as) forms. Below is the conjugation for querer:

  • quiero - I want
  • quieres - you want (singular)
  • quiere - he/she wants
  • queremos - we want
  • queréis - you want (plural)
  • quieren - they want

Other terms

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  • comprender - to understand
  • con - with
  • ¿Cuál? - Which?, What? (specific)
  • más o menos - more or less
  • por supuesto - of course
  • ¡Qué asco! - How awful!
  • sin - without
  • ¿Verdad? - Right?

Food items & Vegetables (vegetales)

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  • azúcar - sugar
  • sal - salt
  • pimienta - pepper
  • ajo - garlic
  • cebolla - onion
  • lechuga - lettuce
  • tomate - tomato
  • pepinos - cucumbers
  • pimentón/pimientos - peppers
  • zanahorias - carrots
  • apio - celery
  • rábano - radish
  • remolachas - beets
  • berenjena - eggplant
  • calabacín - zucchini
  • frijoles - beans

Conjugating -er and -ir verbs

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As with -ar verbs, conjugating -er and -ir verbs requires correct pronoun usage.

Below is a list of the conjugation forms for -er and -ir verbs.


-yo: -o

-tú: -es

-usted (Ud.), él, ella: -e

-nosotros/nosotras: -emos

-vosotros/vosotras: -éis

-ustedes (Uds.), ellos, ellas: -en

An example of an -er conjugation is comer (to eat):

  • como - I eat
  • comes - you eat (singular)
  • come - he/she eats
  • comemos - we eat
  • coméis - you eat (plural)
  • comen - they eat


-yo: -o

-tú: -es

-usted (Ud.), él, ella: -e

-nosotros/nosotras: -imos

-vosotros/vosotras: -ís

-ustedes (Uds.), ellos, ellas: -en

An example of an -ir conjugation is compartir (to share):

  • comparto - I share
  • compartes - you share (singular)
  • comparte - he/she shares
  • compartimos - we share
  • compartís - you share (plural)
  • comparten - they share

Note: The nosotros(as) and vosotros(as) endings are different. Remember that usted and ustedes are conjugated in the 3rd person form.

Remember the -ar conjugation?

-yo: -o

-tú: -as

-usted (Ud.), él, ella: -a

-nosotros/nosotras: -amos

-vosotros/vosotras: -áis

-ustedes (Uds.), ellos, ellas: -an

  • tocar - to play (an instrument)
  • toco - I play (an instrument)
  • tocas - you play (an instrument/singular)
  • toca - he/she plays (an instrument)
  • tocamos - we play (an instrument)
  • tocáis - you play (an instrument/plural)
  • tocan - they play (an instrument)

Other words

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  • churro - churro
  • chocolate - chocolate
  • crema de cacahuates - peanut butter
  • mantequilla de maní - peanut butter
  • pan dulce - breakfast pastry (referred to pastries served at Spanish-speaking style bakeries)
  • panqueque - pancake
  • postre - dessert

Frutas (fruits)

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  • manzana - apples
  • cereza - cherry
  • ciruela - plum
  • coco - coconut
  • durazno - peach
  • frambuesa - raspberry
  • fresas - strawberries
  • arándanos - blueberries
  • limón - lemon
  • melón - melon
  • pera - pear
  • sandía - watermelon
  • toronja - grapefruit
  • naranjas - oranges
  • uvas - grapes
  • papaya - papaya
  • mango - mango
  • piña - pineapple
  • frutas - fruits

Carnes (meats)

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  • carne de res - beef
  • bistec - steak
  • pollo - chicken
  • cerdo - pork
  • pescado - fish
  • cangrejo - crab
  • camarones - shrimp
  • almeja - clam
  • mejillón/mejillones - mussel/mussels
  • cordero - lamb
  • chivo - goat
  • barbacoa - BBQ
  • langosta - lobster
  • venado - venison
  • marisco - seafood

Cultural Insight (Churros y Chocolate)

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Churros served with chocolate caliente, a typical breakfast or snack in Spanish-speaking nations.

In many Spanish-speaking nations, a type of doughnut called churro is served in streetcarts or restaurants. Churro are typically fried to a crunchy consistency. Their surface is ridged due to being piped from a churrera, a syringe with a star-shaped nozzle. Churros are generally prisms in shape, and may be straight, curled or spirally twisted.

Like pretzels, churros are often sold by street vendors who in many cases will fry them freshly on the street stand and sell them hot. In Spanish-speaking countries, they are available in cafes for breakfast, although they may be found throughout the day and night as a snack. Specialized churrerías can be found as street shops or as towable wagons.

Usually, a form of hot chocolate, chocolate caliente is served with churros, it consists of ground chocolate mixed with hot milk and water and crushed almonds.

Country Focus (El Salvador)

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El Salvador (Spanish: El Salvador) is a country in Central America. The area was originally called by the Pipil "Cuzhcatl", in Spanish "Cuzcatlan", which in Nahuatl means "the land of precious things."

In the early sixteenth century, the Spanish conquistadors ventured into ports to extend their dominion to the area that would be known as El Salvador. They were firmly resisted by the Pipil and their remaining Mayan-speaking neighbors. Pedro de Alvarado, a lieutenant of Hernán Cortés, led the first effort by Spanish forces in June 1524.


The economy, based on coffee-growing after the mid-19th century, as the world market for indigo withered away, prospered or suffered as the world coffee price fluctuated. From 1931—the year of the coup in which Gen. Maximiliano Hernández Martínez came to power until he was deposed in 1944 there was brutal suppression of rural resistance. Since 1989 the Nationalist Republican Alliance (ARENA) party, founded by Roberto D'Aubuisson, has won every presidential election.

Aerial view of San Salvador.

The country borders the Pacific Ocean between Guatemala and Honduras. With a population of approximately 5.8 million people, it is the most densely populated nation in Central America and is undergoing rapid industrialization. The Roman Catholic Church plays an important role in the Salvadoran culture.


-Official Language: Spanish

-Other Languages: Native American languages

-Capital: San Salvador

-Government: Democracy

-Area: 21,041 sq km (8,124 sq mi) (153rd)

Ilamatepec Volcano, one of the several volcanoes in El Salvador.

-Population: 6,134,000 (July 2009) (99th)

-Religion: Christianity (mostly Catholic) 81.9%, Buddhism 0.1%, other (Non-religious, Animism, Islam, Judaism) 10%

-Human Development: 0.747 (106th, MEDIUM)

-Independence: September 15, 1821

-Currency: U.S. Dollar