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Instructional design/Psychomotor behaviors/Self Talk in Psychomotor Skills/Lesson worksheet

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Lesson work sheet

1. What are the similarities between each of these cases?

2. Write a paragraph about an experience of your own. Include the task, how difficult it is for you to complete, how you felt and why you think you felt the way you do.

3A: Complete this section after reading the case studies and prior to reading the rest of the lesson. For each performer, write in the space below what you do as the performer’s instructor/coach? 3B: Complete this section after reading the entire lesson. For each performer, write in the space below what would you do as the performer's instructor/coach? Include your diagnostic steps and at least one of the 5 methods discussed.
Sara -
Bob -
Tracy -
Your own experience -

4. Compare your responses between questions 3A. and 3B. What has changed? What will you do differently? Post your responses to the lesson's discussion tab.

5. Which of the 6 strategies for addressing self talk issues seem most effective to you and why? Post your responses to the lesson's discussion tab.

6. Adam Gopnik, published author and writer for the New Yorker, discussed in a live lecture how he dealt with writer's block by actually creating a methaphor for writing as a physical task. He tells himself he's riding a bike and makes up visual milestones he has to pass in order to complete the writing task. How else could psychomotor self talk strategies be applied to other cognitive skill areas? Post your ideas in this lesson's discussion page.

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