User:Lyrisson/Samenwerkingscontract pm5
Cooperation Contract team SUPERNOVA
[edit | edit source]Information
[edit | edit source]Team Members
[edit | edit source]Aendekerk , Jef Position: Team Leader + President
Contact: jef.aendekerk @
Decremer , Wim Function: scribe
Contact: wim.decremer @
Smits, Floris Function: Financial Manager
Contact: floris.smits @
Vandenbrande , Jasper Function: IT
Contact: jasper.vandenbrande @
Veulemans , Jens Function: Employee
Contact: jens.veulemans @
van der Zee , Alexander Position: Employee
Contact: alexander.vanderzee @
Phone numbers are omitted for privacy reasons
The aim of cooperation
[edit | edit source]The collaboration aims at an instructive and creative way SSV , Small Solar Vehicle, building , meeting the data requirements.
Conditions for cooperation
[edit | edit source]Functions of the team members
[edit | edit source]The functions of the team members are being elected in the first week . These can be adjusted in case of prolonged illness , disability , or if all team members agree to this. If the president, team leader or secretary may not be present, then their assigned tasks to another team member . The project will have to be there. By all team members with the project supervisor , Nicolas Dekeyser , communicated
Agreements between the team members
[edit | edit source]It is expected of the team members that they are always present at each meeting . This also means that it is expected that they are in addition to the regular weekly meeting, also present at the other times to be agreed upon during the meeting . The reasons for absence can be tolerated :
Disease ( alcohol abuse is not considered as a disease )
- Overlap with lessons
- Family obligations
- Force Majeure
If it is invalid, absent penalties are determined by the other team members . These sanctions may include an extra job to a reduction in the peer assessment . When a valid absence is expected that one to notify the team and / or project supervisor well in advance.
Communication between team members === ===
The communication between the team members will take place on the Facebook group , in mails and by phone . If you want to exchange documents, then through the dropbox or also via the Facebook group . As a result, anyone can view the documents , check and adjust if necessary . It is expected that one checks the Facebook group daily .
Meeting Moments
[edit | edit source]It is expected that the team meets at least once per school week , during the course of the project . In addition, there may be additional meeting times by the team members chosen if this was necessary.
[edit | edit source]The documents to the deadlines, shall be filed in the first place by the project . This appointment may be made by another team member .
Duration of the contract
[edit | edit source]The contract will be valid for the entire project . From one week to the end of the project at the end of the semester .
[edit | edit source][ [ Engineering Experience 4 : Design a Small Solar Vehicle/Nl/2013 Team PM5 ] ]
[ [ Plan of action pm5 ] ]
[ [ Gantt chart pm5 ] ]