Instructional design/Learning objectives/Performance/I missed one or both

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Remember that the best performance objectives use verbs that are

  • overt
  • observable
  • measurable

When we want to use a covert action, then we need to include an indicator (verb) that is observable and measurable.

1. Which of these describes an overt action?

...identify a red blood cell that contains the sickle cell..  (identify is a covert action without an indicator)
...recognize a red blood cell that contains the sickle cell.. (recognize is a covert action without an indicator) a red blood cell that contains the sickle cell. (circle specifies an overt, observable, and measurable action)

While it is important for learners to be able to identify, recognize, and distinguish certain information; they are not observable behavior unless we add an indicator that can be measured. "Identify" by itself may cause some misunderstanding without a little clarification about how to identify (Point, Circle, etc). "Circle" is an overt behavior that we can measure.

2. Which of these is the best example of an observable action verb?

...determine (determine is a covert action without an indicator)
...diagram (diagram is an overt and observalbe action
...reflect (reflect is a covert action without an indicator)

Determine and reflect are behaviors that we may want to develop in our students, but they are not observable unless we add an indicator. When a learner diagrams a sentence or a system it is an overt, observable, and measurable action.

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