Big bang/A Critique of NASA scientist: Evidence of alien life on meteorite

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(Review Paper) Cited in Big bang/A Critique of NASA scientist: Evidence of alien life on meteorite

Points Made

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In what seems to be the greatest discovery in recent history, NASA's Richard B. Hoover discovered clear proof of bacteria fossil evidence in meteorites that are rarely spotted entering the Earth's atmosphere. This discovery makes life on comets possible. [1]

The fact that bacteria have an outer “shield” allows for the bacteria to survive in harsh conditions. There are pits in comets which have wet spots. Thus allowing the wet/warm conditions for bacteria to grow and live. Through evolution there has been a change in how bacteria has adapted to the climate and conditions of outer space. There is no way to prove that the sun’s rays have killed every single last piece of bacteria. So as long as some are able to withstand the harsh temperature and concentration of the intense heat, bacteria will be able to survive and continue to grow.
In order for the organisms found on the meteors to be genuinely extraterrestrial they must come from a hosting planet that is within a one or 2 day travel window. After this time period the simple organisms would be killed off by ultraviolet radiation which fatally mutilates the cells. [2]


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Upon further examination Hoover conducted an experiment in which he used 9 meteorites called Cl1 carbonaceous meteorites, during this experiment he found micro-fossils made up of cyanobacteria on the meteorites. [1]


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Through Richard B. Hoover's experiments it can be determined that life on comets is possible. His findings suggest that planets such as Mars and their moons can sustain life since liquid water can be found on them. His evidence supports the theory that life forms existed on the meteors prior to entrance into Earth. [1]

A critique of NASA scientist: Evidence of alien life on meteorite

Panspermia is widely considered to be unlikely because of the harsh climates it would have to survive during the original crash which launches it into space, throughout it's time spent traveling through space, and finally during its eventual crash into another entity in space. There has not yet been any evidence found which shows that Panspermia can withstand this harsh journey, however, other important findings support the idea that its survival is possible. Recently, NASA found an amino-acid called Glycine found on a comet. Glycine on its own will not spark life, however, one of life’s fundamental building blocks. If Glycine is able to survive the harsh journey through space, it makes the argument for the survival of Panspermia possible by living on glycine or another amino acid (yet undiscovered) to survive the trip. Jstal531 02:26, 1 February 2012 (UTC)

It has been implied that that meteors and comets that came in with strong contact into the Earth brought with them the evidence of life. This evidence includes water and some complex organic chemicals. [1]

It has been proven that there is a possibility of microbial life in the liquid water regimes of nuclei. This water is currently traveling in the orbits of Mars and icy moons that contain liquid water as well. [1]


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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Charles Cooper(2011), NASA scientist: Evidence of alien life on meteorite. CBSNEWS TECHTALK,
  2. Bhargava, Pushpa M (08/2003) Panspermia—true or false? The Lancet (British edition) (0140-6736), 362 (9381), 407