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Teaching EFL Listening via FUN WITH ENGLISH Books/7B/Lesson 1

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Type classification: this is a lesson plan resource.

Grades 7&8
Second Semester Lesson One
Chapter One
Version 0.3

Last Updated
2 March 2010

Lesson Used In Class
Week of 1 March 2010 to 5 March 2010


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  • New Students


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  • Camera


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0 Before Class

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  • Draw a blank seating chart on the board.
  • Write seating chart above it.

1 Opening Greeting

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  • How are you?
  • Did you have a fun winter vacation? What did you do?
  • How was your new years dinner? Whad did you eat?
  • Do you have any questions for me?

2 Introduce the Tests and Grading Policy

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  • This semester will be different. There will be tests.
  • Your grade will come from the tests and your classroom performance.
  • Do you have any questions?

3 Seating Chart

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  • Now we are going to create a seating chart, so I can learn your


  • I am going to give everyone a new seat.
  • After I give you a seat, please write your name on the board in your


  • You can use your Chinese name or an English name.
  • If you use your Chinese name, please write it in pinyin.
  • If you want to pick a new English name, that's OK.
  • One by one select students and give them new seats. Mixing boys and

girls usually works best, but do not tell them you will be mixing, just do it.

4 Rip Out the Textbook Answers

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  • Now, please rip out the answers from your textbook.
  • Write the page numbers on the board.
    • 7B: Pages 99 - 108
    • 8B: Pages 103 - 111
    • Leave some answers in so you keep all the Tapescript and Wordlist


  • Call the students up one by one, use it as an opportunity to

practice their names.

5 Textbook

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  • Please open your textbooks, and do parts A and B on page two.
  • 7B:
    • Page 2 Let's get ready A & B
  • 8B:
    • Page 2 Let's get ready A & B

Extra Time

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  • 7B:
    • Page 4 Let's listen 2 A
    • Page 5 Let's listen 3
  • 8B:
    • Page 3 Let's listen 1 A
    • Page 5 Let's listen 3 B


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  • I used these because it was allowed within the rights given by the

people who made the materials.

  • The copyright of this lesson plan does not reflect the copyright

of these materials. Please contact the creators to see how it is OK to use their materials.

  • If I used something created by you and you would like me to change

the way I use it or the attribution, please let me know.


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  • I would like to thank all the 7th and 8th grade classes at Anqing

Foreign Language School who had this lesson for their participation and feedback. I would also like to thank the Anqing Foreign Language School for allowing me to teach there.

After Class Notes

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Ver 0.2
1 Mar 2010

  • have the stuff about the tests written in chinese.
  • seating chart takes a really long time.
    • Should I try having them write their names on the board in pinyin,

so I can learn faster?

    • Have them take out the answers as they are sitting down?
  • Lessons went fast. Kids and I both had fun. Not totally sure how

much English was learned.

  • Next week I really do not want to do this again.
  • 7A The wording of "Let's Listen" B was too difficult.
  • 7A Were not excited to hear about the tests.
  • 8A Let's listen was easy overall, but challenged a few of the



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Ver 0.1
24 Feb 2010

  • Drew up a basic plan in a meeting with a colleague at an Anqing

coffee shop.

Ver 0.2
28 Feb 2010

  • Handwrote it onto a new sheet, adding detail and expanding it.

Ver 0.3
1 Mar 2010

  • Revised following my 5 classes.
  • Wrote it into Aquamacs as a text file.

Ver 0.31
7 Nov 2010

  • Made it Mediawiki friendly, and deleted irrelevant parts, incl. "Symbols used".