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Film editing/Analyzing film dailies/The Big Bad Bell

From Wikiversity

Table of Contents
This school is:
Narrative Film Production
The course is:
Basic film editing (editing a dramatic conversation)
This lesson is:
Analyzing film dailies - What can you learn from film dailies?
The pages of this lesson are:
1. Lesson summary - Analyzing & editing film dailies

24 Unedited Scenes Disk

Scene: "Out for a walk" Funny, short, needs matte painting
Scene: "The Assignment" Long and intense
Scene: "Ice Cream" Long but simple
12 scenes from the family reunion
Scene: "Taking Notes" A basic scene
Scene: "Morning Coffee" A basic scene
Scenes about Amy Good practice
Scenes about Jason Simple but good practice
Scene: "Morning Surprise" Needs 3D animation
Scene: "Doctor, Doctor!" Needs sound F/X and music
Scene: "The Girl and the Golden Jewel" Needs F/X, voice over, sound
Scene: "Wedding Bells" Funny, old, poor color, only 12fps
Scene: "The Big Bad Bell" A bit odd
Scene: "Open The Door" Totally weird, MOS - even needs dialog!!!

"24 Unedited Scenes"
from the
Star Movie Shop

"The Big Bad Bell"

"The Big Bad Bell"

This is a fun scene from a kids TV show filmed in Canada which comes from a TV show in Japan.
The location
Somewhere in Japan.
The characters
The lady and the man in the face mask are bad people. The big bad bell also wants to be bad.
The story
The man and the lady want the big bad bell to help them destroy the heros.
The challenge
This is a bit hard to start. I am not sure if an animated establishing shot was used for this scene
The audio of the man in the face mask is bad. You will need to use voice over to replace his voice.

Edit this scene

Order the disk
Order the disk from the Star Movie Shop. Remember, if you have earned enough points at the Wikiversity Film School, the disk is free. If you do not have enough points, the Star Movie Shop will eagerly accept PayPal. To contact the Star Movie Shop, you simply click here.
The Overview Movie
Start by looking at the overview movie for "The Big Bad Bell". (This QuickTime movie file is in a different folder than the film dailies. Don't get the two folders confused.) The overview movie shows you the important parts of the film dailies in chronological order.
Transfer the dailies
Copy all the film dailies (not the overview movie) to your hard drive. If necessary, convert the dailies to whatever format your editing program prefers. Import all these clips into your editing program.
Edit the scene
The conversation is easy to edit. Making the scene make sense is a bit more difficult.
Submit your finished scene
This scene is worth 10 points. Email me when you are finished.

Analyze the Dailies

Professional actors can have fun! Filming is long and boring. The actors kept the action going. Allow them to have fun.

The next scene

This next scene ("Open the door") is even more unusual.

Contact your instructor