18th century European scholarly societies and academies/L'Académie Royal de Chirurgie

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L'Académie Royal de Chirurgie translates to The Royal Academy of Surgery. This academy eventually is revised to the National Academy of Surgery which is still around today.

The Royal Academy of Surgery was founded by George Mareschal, who was the first surgeon of Louis XV, in 1731. He created the academy to "associate the attention of surgeons in the Kingdom and foreign countries that are most successful in the art of surgery." The Academy flourished until the year of 1793 when a law was passed that demanded the Royal Academy of Surgery and the Royal Society of Medicine be disbanded. In 1820, the law passed in 1793 was overturned and this allowed a new group to be created. Society for Surgery of Paris was founded in 1843 and replaced the Royal Academy of Surgery. Auguste Berard and his companions wanted to create a Society that could meet the needs of the surgery field. This is because of the incredibly fast growth in different techniques. 1865 comes with a name change from Society for Surgery of Paris to Imperial Society of Surgery. Then 1875 another name change to National Society of Surgery. Finally the final name change to The National Academy of Surgery happens in 1997.


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1731: Facilities at Barber Surgeons St Como (in the amphitheater next to Couvent des Cordeliers)

1768-1775: Gondouin Building at College of Burgundy, Construction of new building ordered by Louis XV

1843: Room in Hotel de Villi in Paris

1852: Abbey Company No. 3 (old abbey of Saint-Germin-des-Pres)

1900: Rue de Seine (rented mansion)

1974: Apartment at 26 Boulevard Raspail, Meetings held at Council of Chambers of the Old School of Medicine

1993: Back at original facility, St Como


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  • Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Surgery - 1743
  • Memoirs Royal Academy Surgery - 1787
  • Memoirs of the Surgical Society of Paris - 1847
  • Bulletin of the Surgical Society of Paris - 1848
  • Bulletin - 1848 - 1850
  • Bulletin Imperial Society Surgery - 1865
  • Bulletins and Memoirs of the Surgical Society of Paris - 1875
  • Bulletins and Memoirs of the National Society of Surgery - 1924 - 1936
  • Memoirs of the Academy of Surgery - 1936 - 1969
  • Surgery, Memoirs of the Academy of Surgery - 1970 - 1997
  • Surgery - 1998 - 1999
  • Annals of Surgery - 2000


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The National Academy of Surgery Translated from French to English using Google.