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Engineering Projects/InteractiveSystem/Howard Community College/fall2012/p1-504-tjgr/Ndagrat2

From Wikiversity

My Contribution in this project will be to mount a circuit that will be audio activated using LED, a transistor and a power source. This is how my initial thought of the circuit should look like.

After assembling the circuit above it didn’t work as I thought it would be which is to turn on and off responding to frequency of the music. I did some research and found out that the type of transistor used matter. Some also suggested using two transistors of type TIP31 one to control the left and the other to control the right of the circuit, which means it will be kind divided into two but all connected. All sides LED are in series which is a challenge in case one break which means the power will be cut for the rest of the circuit but I did found that LED “legs” are reliable to hopefully it won’t happen. My next circuit will look like this

Try to mount LEDs without a universal is becoming challenging, so I decided to buy one from Radio Shack. This will be easy because each wire will have its own connection I won't worry about them touching. The first circuit seems to be easy to make and when I did put everything on the universal breadboard, with a pre-terminated audio plug the circuit worked as it is supposed too.

After founding a working circuit the next challenge is to come up with a way LEDs can be connected together and be incorporated in clothing. The idea that came in my mind is to join many together by using less voltage which will reduce to heat and fire concern in case this is used in clothing. I know that in parallel circuit the voltage is equal through the entire circuit, which means I can light many LEDs connected in series bya same law voltage. But also thinking in a way the can be used on a cloth I found it not presentable to be in line. So I will mount both in series and in parallel of each other. Four LEDs will be connected, in series on two and parallel of two.

With this I am using same voltage to light 2 LEDs to light 4.

                                                       INTERACTIVE SYSTEM

The project on motion interactive system is going to explore how to use movement made by individual or object to animate or interact with the projection made on the wall without the image of individual or the object shown. This project can be a perfect recreational tool that can be used by children and you adult. It can also be used for advertisement. Materials: Materials needed for this project are:

              -	Projector
              -	Webcam/ Kinnect
              -	Computer
              -	Software (in this case po-motion free 30 day version)
    First plug you computer, turn it on, and then connect webcam and a projector. (Most modern webcam and projector use USB so it shouldn’t be a problem). Make sure the software and drivers for both projector and webcam are installed in your computer using the software provided by the manufacturer.

The second to do is going to www.po-motion.com and download po-motion software. (In this case because the full version was expensive I used a 30 day free trial). It’s important that you remember you log in because after you install it before you start to use it it will ask you to log in. Note also that only one log in can be used on one computer. The third thing is to download background scenes. They also have free version background to download and those are the one I used.

After you have your software installed and your background scene, you will open po-motion installed and it detects the web-cam automatically. You should see it in the left window part of po-motion. Then go to upload scene which is on the right part of the window and start making movement on front of your camera. You should see that scene you uploaded is reacting on your movement. After this you can choose full screen and power on you projector to make it visible on the wall or floor depending on where you are projecting.

Other motion sensitive software

After po-motion I am going to look into other software that may be used to make a motion interactive system.

                                                1.	LUMINIVISION

The first I did find is a UK based company named luminivision. On their website www.luminivision.co.uk they have their latest version Advis 2.0. Their material includes:

      -	Computer
      -	Infrared tracking
      -	Interactive software and
      -	Projector.

Since they don’t have a version that I can download I was not able to give more specifics on how it works. But they say that Advis 2.0 has 2 main pages. Launcher and Sequencer. It has many different interactive themes and over 100 effects.

                                              2.	TOUCH MAGIX

On their website www.touchmagix.com they have many products, includes:

      -	Interactive wall
      -	Magixfone
      -	Magixtable
      -	Magic floor
      -	Multi touch

Even if it may sound like po-motion, the interactive wall on touchmagix has many features and comes in more than 10 categories.

      -	Auto light adaptation
      -	Projector scheduling
      -	Clap sensing
      -	Multiple display
      -	Multi projector blending
      -	Any shape projection
      -	Simple CPU multiple installation
      -	Etc

I tried to download and install a free version but it only was interacting the mouse movement. The other product of the touchmax is magixfone. This feature allows the use to use any mobile phone to interact with large display.

Magixtable is another product of touchmagix. It uses 32’’ ultra bright LED backlit HD display. It can detect 40 simultaneous multitouch detection at 50 frames/sec scan rate and requires no pressure to touch.