Helping Give Away Psychological Science/Chapter Recruitment

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How to Recruit New Members

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When recruiting regardless of outlet, you should try to include the following things about HGAPS: Vision and mission What kind of person we are looking for (someone interested in social media, someone looking for research-related experience, someone looking for community service hours, etc.), What kind of projects we are doing (briefly) What we could offer them (community service hours, pizza, networking, conference presentations, travel awards, publications). On Google Drive, OSF, and Canva are many previous recruitment resources.

Here Are Outlets for Recruitment:

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Social media posts. See previous year’s flyers for ideas.

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter


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  • Post the interest meeting details on Heel Life
  • Post email announcements to undergraduate and graduate listservs. If you send her a detailed post about the interest meeting, along with some infographics, this is usually our best bet for recruiting folks.
  • Post flyers in Davie and Howell Hall, the libraries, the Union, and departments that we hope to recruit more from (Comp Sci, Media and Journalism, Communications, Statistics).

Put out a display that attracts students

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We have a banner, table cloth, and stickers to try to bring students in and allow them to understand what HGAPS is with the hope of them joining. Places to display would include the pit, the student union, davie hall, and fall fest.

Fall Fest

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Participating in Fall Fest allow for HGAPS to increase visibility and connect with a lot of UNC freshman. It is another way to use the visual displays that we have.

Contacting Professors Directly

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Asking psychology professors if we could come into their big lectures and make an announcement about the interest meeting has been effective for recruitment. Large freshman/sophomore lectures like Psych 101, 270, 110 as well as the NSCI 175 can often be the most impactful. Many of the psychology lectures are large, so you will likely have luck in many of the other courses as well. In virtual class options, this can be easier because you can join their zoom session. Some faculty prefer to send emails or sakai announcements to students about the organization instead of a class presentation. Occasionally, faculty has given an extra credit point to students that join HGAPS.